
The Junk Drawer

Week 3

November 10, 2019 • Scotty Priest

In part 3 of the MONEY TALKS teaching series, Pastor Scotty gives practical tools about how to give, save, and live with our money in the way God intends for us. Our money talks to us, and about us – and it is impossible to be financially bound and spiritually free.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” Luke 12:34

When it comes to the “junk drawer” of financial advice, there are a lot of great principles to consider. Some of the words of wisdom that Pastor Scotty mentioned in his message are:

Look for a money mentor or coach.
Opposites attract in marriage…work together to win by getting on the same page now.
Teach your kids to give, save, and live (in this order). Pass it on to the next generation.
Take small, consistent steps. It’s about the marathon versus waiting for a miracle.
Ask what the “more” is for. In other words, seek to be generous.
Key Verses: Luke 16:13, Matthew 14:13-20

More from Money Talks

You're Not the Boss of Me

November 3, 2019 • Scotty Priest

In part two of the MONEY TALKS teaching series, Pastor Scotty gives practical tools about how to give, save, and live with our money in the way God intends for us. Our money talks to us, and about us – and it is impossible to be financially bound and spiritually free. The hard reality is for many of us, we are where we are financial because that is where we want to be. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” Luke 12:34 We keep consuming our lives with more⁠—homes, cars, clothes, travel and toys. Often ignoring our condition, we simply think we can take care of it later, but we need to honestly ask ourselves this question: “Do we own our money, or does our money own us?” God wants us to get to a place where we can truly say to our money…”You’re not the boss of me!” Key Verses: Luke 12:34, Luke 16:13, Luke 15:11-17, Proverbs 6:1-11, Matthew 7:13, Proverbs 20:4, Proverbs 20:21, Proverbs 22:7

Do This First

October 27, 2019 • Scotty Priest

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34 We kicked off a new teaching series called Money Talks — handling money God’s way. We’ll be talking about debt, saving, margins, budgeting, giving generously and finding financial peace. Our money says a lot about us and the Bible has a lot to say about money. So many of us have anxiety around our finances and our identity can easily be wrapped in our possessions and wealth too. How our culture handles money simply isn’t working. There are over 2,300 verses in the Bible that speak about money, possessions, and wealth. Our money talks to us and about us, especially spiritually. It’s impossible to be financially bound and spiritually free. The freedom we experience in life and in our relationship with God can be directly influenced by how we steward our finances. In the end, it’s not about what God wants from you, but it’s about what God wants for you. Key Verses: 1 Timothy 6:6-12 and 1 Timothy 6:17-19