
How to Interpret Like a Boss!

Ap 27/29

April 29, 2018 • John Sorrell

Message Summary: There are a few ways to become stronger interpreters of the Bible. The starting place is thinking about reading the Bible like a conversation that is guided by questions. It’s helpful to change our question to “God what does this say about you?” rather than “What is this saying to me?” Realizing that the New Testament writers use the Old Testament as a launching pad to help bring clarity to situations, we need to interpret through the lens of the bigger story of God. We can practice these strategies on our own this week.

Living Biblically Series
What would it look like to live Biblically?...Really! There’s a new TV series out where the main character begins living his life 100% by the Bible to find direction. Is it an absurd idea? Is it even possible? How do we make sense of the Bible in our fast-paced, media-driven world? Join us as we explore the possibilities!

What the Bible Actually Says

May 13, 2018 • Ed Noble

Message Summary: There are four mega themes that run through the Bible: God, God saves, sacrifice and faith. God reveals Himself in the Bible as the Lord. What does the Lord do? He saves. He is the hero of my story. How does He save? He saves through sacrifices, that all point to the ultimate sacrifice: Jesus. Our response is faith or trust in the work of the hero. This faith is marked by baptism. Living Biblically Series What would it look like to live http://biblically?...really! There’s a new TV series out where the main character begins living his life 100% by the Bible to find direction. Is it an absurd idea? Is it even possible? How do we make sense of the Bible in our fast-paced, media-driven world? Join us as we explore the possibilities!

Let’s Get Biblical, Biblical

April 8, 2018 • Ed Noble

Message Summary: We clearly need something that can help us to navigate life. Jesus was clear that we could find what we need in the Bible. The Bible is about God’s calling and dealings with Israel. But the story is bigger than them and has everything to do with what God was doing for all humanity. It is a place for all to meet God and it is actually beneficial to us. If we want to actually profit from it, we need to start by reading it and taking it up on its offer of LIFE. Living Biblically Series What would it look like to live http://biblically?...really! There’s a new TV series out where the main character begins living his life 100% by the Bible to find direction. Is it an absurd idea? Is it even possible? How do we make sense of the Bible in our fast-paced, media-driven world? Join us as we explore the possibilities!

“They Speak of Me”

April 15, 2018 • Ed Noble

Message Summary: We all have picked up some distorted pictures of God and need to be intentional about sorting through them. When we read the Bible, we need to read it carefully, in community and through the lens of Jesus. We can read with the Jesus lens by becoming aware of three plot spoilers as we read: Jesus is the denouement, Jesus is the ultimate and final revelation of God and the point of the Bible is restored imago dei and an invitation of interactive conversational relationship with God. We move forward into clarity as we read the Bible through the lens of Jesus, try living Jesus-focused and wrestle with the question, “Do I have the Son?” Living Biblically Series What would it look like to live http://biblically?...really! There’s a new TV series out where the main character begins living his life 100% by the Bible to find direction. Is it an absurd idea? Is it even possible? How do we make sense of the Bible in our fast-paced, media-driven world? Join us as we explore the possibilities!