

March 28, 2021 • Pastor Joey Bushe

On a day that we recognize as Palm Sunday - many gathered for the triumphal entry of Jesus. Shouting Hosanna, Hosanna… which literally means “Please Save Us!” It becomes clear that many in the crowd were shouting not because they saw him as savior to their sin, but savior against Roman rule. But when they discover Jesus’ intentions was not to overthrow Rome, we see how quickly they QUIT on him. When things didn’t play out how they expected it or how they thought it would be – they gave up believing He was who He says He was.

Sometimes we are much like the people in the crowd shouting Hosanna – save us lord, save us, save us NOW! We are too ready to quit, we are too ready give up. We quit on what Jesus is doing, much like many of his followers that we read of on this holy week, when it seems what he is doing doesn’t line up with what we want and when we want it. We don’t preserver.