

A Story of the Lord's Move

Introduction (M.C.)

February 20, 2021 • M.C.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is an introductory word from Minoru Chen, originally spoken to the church in Irvine in 2011. Here he frames for us the history of the Lord's recovery in the United States and the impactive this group of college students in Plainview had on the world.

Ch. 1 - Plainview, Texas (J.B.)

February 20, 2021 • J.B.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from James Barber—one of Witness Lee's earliest co-workers in the United States. The next several episodes will be his first-hand account, and a general overview, of what the Lord did among them in the early days.

Ch. 2 - Campus Revival (J.B.)

February 20, 2021 • J.B.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from James Barber—one of Witness Lee's earliest co-workers in the United States. The next several episodes will be his first-hand account, and a general overview, of what the Lord did among them in the early days.

Ch. 3 - A Co-worker of Watchman Nee (J.B.)

February 20, 2021 • J.B.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from James Barber—one of Witness Lee's earliest co-workers in the United States. The next several episodes will be his first-hand account, and a general overview, of what the Lord did among them in the early days.

Ch. 4 - Leaving Babylon (J.B.)

February 20, 2021 • J.B.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from James Barber—one of Witness Lee's earliest co-workers in the United States. The next several episodes will be his first-hand account, and a general overview, of what the Lord did among them in the early days.

Ch. 5 - Church in Plainview (J.B.)

February 20, 2021 • J.B.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from James Barber—one of Witness Lee's earliest co-workers in the United States. The next two episodes will be his first-hand account, and a general overview, of what the Lord did among them in the early days.

Ch. 6 - Increase & Spread (J.B.)

February 20, 2021 • J.B.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from James Barber—one of Witness Lee's earliest co-workers in the United States. The next several episodes will be his first-hand account, and a general overview, of what the Lord did among them in the early days.

Ch. 7 - The Lord's Move—Part I (B.P.)

February 20, 2021 • B.P.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from Benson Phillips, one of the original students at Wayland Baptist College. He would later become a co-worker, help raise up several churches in the United States, and bring the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee to the Russian speaking world. The next few episodes give more details and perspective on all the Lord did through this group of young people, in those days.

Ch. 8 - The Lord's Move—Part II (B.P.)

February 20, 2021 • B.P.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from Benson Phillips, one of the original students at Wayland Baptist College. He would later become a co-worker, help raise up several churches in the United States, and bring the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee to the Russian speaking world. The next few episodes give more details and perspective on all the Lord did through this group of young people, in those days.

Ch. 9 - Committed (B.P.)

February 20, 2021 • B.P.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from Barbara and Benson Phillips on being a committed couple and serving the Lord full-time. This last set of episodes give us further insight regarding the character of these students—that is, what kind of people they were—and how we too can be useful in the Lord's move today.

Ch. 10 - A Joyful Pattern (R.G.)

February 20, 2021 • R.G.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following are testimonies at the memorial of Marilyn Graver—a hidden sister and joyful pattern. She was one of the students in Plainview and was wife to Ray Graver, a co-worker serving with Living Stream. Together they participated in building facilities for conferences and trainings, established lodging for Witness Lee, and a print shop for the publication and distribution of the ministry. This last set of episodes give us further insight regarding the character of these students—that is, what kind of people they were—and how we too can be useful in the Lord's move today.

Conclusion (R.K.)

February 20, 2021 • R.K.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview, Texas in the early 1960s. The following is a concluding word from Ron Kangas, originally spoken to young adults in the church in Anaheim.

Appendix - A Story of Elton Karr

February 20, 2021 • R.K.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview Texas, in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony regarding Elton Karr—one of the students in Plainview—who moved his family to Los Angeles for the church life, and has served for many years as a co-worker in the Lord's recovery.

Appendix - Testimony of Francis Ball

February 20, 2021 • F.B.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview Texas, in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from Francis Ball. He touched the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee as a minister in Odessa Texas in 1964, nearly the same time as those in Plainview. He would later move to Los Angeles for the church life, serve with Living Stream, and become a faithful co-worker in the Lord's recovery.

Appendix - A Story from Don Looper

February 20, 2021 • D.L.

This is an oral history of the Lord's move in Plainview Texas, in the early 1960s. The following is a testimony from Don Looper. As a student he came into the church life in Waco, Texas in 1966. He was shepherded by Benson Phillips, participated in the migration to Houston, and would become a co-worker committed to the campus work in the Lord's recovery.