
Psalm 14 Song

Josephine Mary Schmidt

Psalm 14 Song

Only a fool has said in his heart, “There is no god”
Only a fool has turned to his own ways
Don’t even think of God
They are lost

God looks down from heaven
To see if one is seeking Him
But there is none
No, not one

But You sent Your Son
To come to save us

We didn’t even know our great need
Had pity
You still came
On us

Your own people didn’t even recognize You
But You came

You sent to Son
To died so we could live

To live, to live, to live

The terror grips like being eaten by those around you
He is waiting for all to call on His name
Salvation will come in the name of Jesus
With a promise of joy and rejoicing in His name

The terror grips like being eaten by those around you
He is waiting for all to call on His name
Salvation will come
With a promise of joy and rejoicing
Joy and rejoicing

Salvation will come
With a promise of joy and rejoicing
Joy and rejoicing

Call on His name to be saved
The name of Jesus, the Son of God

With a promise of joy and rejoicing
Joy and rejoicing

Speak Lord
For Your servant is listening
What must do here, now
While I wait
I wait for Your return

Speak Lord
For Your servant is listening
What must do now, here
For those around me
Those around me, Lord
Who are still in the grip
In the grip of terror to come

© Josephine Mary Schmidt