
To Be And Not To Be: Be Separated, Not Isolated

September 1, 2017

We are called to be in the world, but not of the world. Yes, we continue to live and work on this earth, but we are not to be influenced by the spirit and system of the world. In other words, we are not to seclude ourselves in some isolated communities, unless God has specifically called as such. We cannot escape the bombardment of the culture in our society, which is often ungodly. Yet, we are called to be set apart, reflect Biblical values, to live and shine as lights in the world.

When we are born of the Spirit and produce the fruits of the Spirit, we will face hostility from people who are in the flesh. When they are antagonistic toward God, they will hate His children too. This is the age-old conflict between the flesh and the Spirit. Sometimes, even the religious people oppose those of us who walk in the Spirit. Just as the Pharisees hated Christ, sadly, the apostate and backslidden church also hinders and rejects those who are following the Lord. In the Bible, “Egypt” is a type of the world. It looks attractive but it is not the Promised land. Consider the faith and life of Moses, who is an example for us. He could have stayed in Egypt, but have chosen to renounce Egypt.

We need God’s protection. We must live by the Word. We do not compromise by using worldly methods to reach out to the lost. What I am going to say will be controversial. I say it not with joy but with grief and burden. In some churches, they are using worldly music, and in other cases, so-called modern contemporary Christian rock music to try to reach out to the lost. Now, I am not judging the motives of these artists and musicians. They may be sincere but such methods are foolish and fleshly! They try to be seeker sensitive to the crowds but they may grieve and quench the Holy Spirit!

The gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit moves, it will convict hearts of “sin, righteousness and judgment!” We don’t win the drug addicts by taking drugs. We don’t win the gamblers by gambling. Jesus is a friend of tax collectors and sinners, but He does not adopt their lifestyles or incorporate the ways of the world!

We need a supernatural transformation of our mind and spirit! The world likes to boast and display outward expressions of success. For Christians, it is the renewing of our inner heart that is true worship. Our thoughts, words, behaviours and habits are not to please men, but to honour and glorify the Lord! God is our supreme interest and affections in our daily life! May our lives conform to the Word of God, and our hearts transformed by the Spirit of God!

Come Into The Ark [English and Hiligaynon / Ilonggo]

March 3, 2024

Hiligaynon / Ilonggo Interpretation by Mark Winston Gabutero Hosting Pastor: Johann Bernajo, Promisecity Church Victorias City   Jesus said that before He comes back to earth again, our world will be just like it was in the days of Noah. People are eating, drinking and partying. Many are consumed with pursuing money, power and sex. Now, there is nothing wrong with having the legitimate things in life, such as having food and sleep. But life is not just about fulfilling our physical needs. It is also to follow the Lord and seek His Kingdom.   Today, we see all kinds of perversion and depravity. People are not only openly living sinful lifestyles, but want others to accept their behaviours. We are living in a day and age where evil is called good, and good is called evil. We have all kinds of blasphemers, mockers and scoffers of Jesus Christ. There is a spirit of violence that is persecuting those who believe God’s Word and walk in His way.   The ark was a type of Christ. He calls us to come into the ark of His presence, protection, safety, shelter, refuge and rest. A storm is coming upon our world. It is a storm of judgment. Society will not get better and better, but rather worse and worse. We are a generation of vipers – sin has increased rampantly.   Do we weep over lost souls? Do we warn people to flee from the wrath to come?   We are close to the midnight hour, where the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, is coming soon! Are we ready to meet Him? Now is the day of salvation. Some of us are religious. We may even attend church regularly, have a form of godliness but denying its power. We do many good works, but are not resting in the cross and the blood of Jesus for our salvation. Today, we must make our calling and election sure! The door of the ark is still opened right now. But it won't be long before the door will be closed.

Arrested, Charged And Convicted As Prisoners Of Jesus Christ

March 3, 2024

Hosting Pastor: Bishop Mike Berdin, Charismatic Revival Center Fellowship   The Holy Spirit, through the Apostle Paul, unveils the power of the New Covenant. He was given the mission to preach and proclaim the gospel to the world. Yet, until his conversion, Paul who was known as Saul at that time, was a hater of the church. He persecuted the followers of Christ, arrested and thrown them into prison. He stood by, approved and consented to the stoning of Stephen unto death. But on the road to Damascus, he had a dramatic encounter with Jesus Christ. He was blinded physically, but his eyes were opened spiritually. Suddenly, he saw a light from heaven.   Often, it is persecution and not prosperity that results in lives being transformed. We like to have palace-like experiences in our Christian life. Yet, there are also pits and prisons in this journey of faith. It is opposition that has been a catalyst to spread the gospel. We want the hand of the Lord upon the church, to win the lost and make disciples. Yet, we must be prepared for trials and adversities in order to experience revivals and reap the harvest of souls. In the natural, none of us want to be a prisoner. Yet, we see that the very man who sought to destroy the Church and imprison its disciples, later became imprisoned himself. From a persecutor of the church, Paul became a great proclaimer and promoter of the gospel of Jesus Christ.   Today, as was in the early church, the world still hates and persecutes Christians. It is not just the ungodly who are hostile to us. Often, there is also intimidation from parts of the religious world. Some religious leaders are outrightly false, others are backsliden and apostate. Paul, before his conversion, was zealous toward God, so he thought, until his encounter with Christ that dramatically changed his life.   We can choose to be a prisoner of the world, a prisoner of false religion, or a prisoner of Jesus Christ. We may or may not be put in a literal prison, but we will face unjust accusation, ill-treatment and opposition at times. Paul’s life is to pursue, apprehend and attain Christlikeness. He wants to apprehend Christ and also, to be apprehended by Christ. In the natural, to apprehend means to catch, to capture, to arrest. It is to be handcuffed and chained to Jesus, to be a prisoner of His love.   As a prisoner of the Lord, Paul bore scar marks on his body as the result of persecutions he has endured. He was in prison frequently, received lashes, beaten with rods and stoned. When the world looks at us Christians, what brand do we represent? No, I’m not talking about the name of our church, our denomination or our ministry. I’m talking about whether we are faithful and fruitful to the call of God, whether we are standing for truth and righteousness, whether we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, whether we are anointed and preaching the cross of Jesus Christ who saves, heals, baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is coming again! Unlike brands of physical goods and services, we do not seek to be popular. Instead, we are often mocked, hated and persecuted by people of this world and even those from false religious institutions.   The world wants to silence our voice, but we will not retreat. We are to be bold as a lion. Yet, we are also sheep in the midst of wolves. As we put our faith in Christ and Him crucified, His power will work exceeding abundantly in us. God can work mightily through us as individuals as well as corporately as the church. We have our unique gifts and callings and yet united and interdependent with other members in the body of Christ. Presently, we are living in the church age, or the age of grace. At the second coming of Christ, we will enter into the Kingdom age. We the redeemed, glorified saints of God, will live forever, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.   Until then, we are wanted! We are arrested, charged and convicted as prisoners of our Lord Jesus Christ! Let us proclaim the mystery of the cross, the revelation of the New Covenant, the gospel of grace!

The Holy Spirit Upon, Within And Through Us [English and Hiligaynon / Ilonggo]

March 2, 2024

Hiligaynon / Ilonggo Interpretation by Melbert Fajarito Hosting Pastor: Carlito Tablero, A Light Shine   The Holy Spirit comes upon and baptizes us, operates within us to develop character and produce fruit, empowers and works through us as laborers in His harvest field.