The Mosaic Covenant

The Mosaic Covenant was made with the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai, after the exodus from Egyptian bondage.

The Mosaic Covenant is filled with conditions – “if you obey” and “if you do this”. There is blessing for those who obey the law (according to Deuteronomy 28:1 to 14) and curse (according to Deuteronomy 28:15 to 19) for those who break it. In many ways, it promotes righteousness by works and self-effort. While the law is good, it is meant to be a “schoolmaster” to bring Israel to the coming Messiah and Saviour Jesus Christ.

This covenant is to foreshadow and prepare the way for the New Covenant of grace. It was the foundation of the greater promise to come, and would find perfect fulfilment only in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was the only Man who ever kept the demands of the law fully and completely. Outward ritual cannot remove sins, but inward faith in the Lord and His finished work on the cross!