

Susan Felton, Director of Children’s Ministry

**Each child who comes through our doors comes to us as a child of God to be nurtured, encouraged, and loved. We promise to love each child and to guide him or her as they grow within our faith community.**

Our Nursery Staff welcomes children ages birth to 3 years of age each week during the Sunday School hour (9:00-9:45 AM) as well as during worship service (10:00 AM). The nursery rooms are located on the PDO/Nursery Hall adjacent to the Kindergarten Hall.

**Children’s Church**
All children are welcome in our worship services. Each week, during worship, a special “Time for Children” talk will be presented for children of all ages. After the “Time for Children”, we will dismiss children ages K5 and younger to go to Children’s Church for Bible stories and activity time. Children’s Church is located on the PDO/Nursery Hall. Parents can pick up their children there after worship.

**Preschool Sunday School (K3 -K5)**
Our Preschool Sunday School classes give our young children a chance to grow in their faith with caring teachers who guide them through Bible stories, lively discussions, and hands-on activities. Preschool Sunday School classrooms are located on the lower-level Kindergarten Hall.

**Elementary Sunday School (Grades 1 – 5)**
Our Elementary Sunday School classes present Bible lessons that actively engage the children in God’s story using interactive games, reflective wondering, dramatic storytelling and a whole lot of fun. With colorful story symbols and beautifully illustrated take-home materials, the children are encouraged to share what they have learned with their families and to apply their lessons to their own lives. Elementary Sunday School classrooms are located on the hallway under the Sanctuary.

**TOGETHER for the Children**
Our TOGETHER program offers a mid-week opportunity for fellowship for all ages. Each Wednesday, families gather for dinner at 5:45 in the Fellowship Hall, followed by a variety of programs for children, youth, and adults. Children ages K3 – 5th grades meet together for a short devotional time, followed by various activities – game night, movie night, and recreation time. A nursery is available for children younger than K3.

**Vacation Bible School**
Vacation Bible School is held each summer, and serves as a fun, faith-filled week of learning and growing. Vacation Bible School follows a selected theme that offers children an exciting week spent immersed in Bible stories brought alive through singing, dancing, creating crafts, playing games, and serving others. Vacation Bible School is held for any children who have completed K4 through 5th grade. Our 4th and 5th graders also participate in off-campus mini-mission projects during the week.

In addition to our weekly services and activities, we offer a variety of opportunities for our children and their families to gather together with their church friends: Family Park Days, Parents’ Night Out events, musical performances, holiday celebrations, Family Mission Night, and Summer Movie Day, just to name a few! Check out our Children’s Ministry Calendar right here on the John Knox app for this year’s scheduled events. Families can also stay connected through our Children’s Ministry Newsletter. Email Susan Felton if you’d like to be added to that list!

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Study & Prayer Groups

Women's and Men's Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, and Social Groups are offered in various settings to promote spiritual growth and Christian fellowship. **Women’s Tuesday Evening Bible Study:** An inductive Bible study meeting the first and third Tuesdays of the month, 7:00-8:30 PM in the new parlor located on the Adult Sunday School Hall. Contact: Kathie White **Wednesday Women in Prayer:** a weekly gathering of women dedicated to prayer. Meet in the Kirk Room on Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30 AM. Contact: Sandra Burgin **Men’s Tuesday Lunch:** Meets the second Tuesday of each month at Lieu’s Chinese Bistro, 1149 Woodruff Road, 11:45 AM—1:00 PM. Contact: Guy Cloer (864.244.0306). **M3 - Men Meeting on Monday:** Men are invited to 13 Stripes Brewery in Taylors the second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm for a time of fellowship, fun, and comradery as we have a devotion and check in with our brothers in the faith. Contact: David Howell (864.244.0453) **Men’s 3X5 Monthly Prayer Group:** Discover a balance of life, work and prayer. Meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 12:00 PM n the church’s Youth Center. Contact: David Howell (864.244.0453) **Men’s 3SG Weekly Bible Study Groups:** a “three-strand group” of three men in prayerful fellowship. **Presbyterian Women’s Circles:** these groups meet monthly for Bible study, service, and fellowship. During the year PW members enjoy special gatherings, mission opportunities, and social activities. All women of the church are invited to attend PW circles and activities. Deborah Circle - Chris Mathews Lydia Circle - Janet Sadler Martha Circle - Dale Drew Sarah Circle - Delores Brandon

Sunday School Classes

We offer a variety of adult Sunday school classes that gather to study the Bible as well as various books dealing with faith, family, and life application. **Fellowship Hall Class** Fellowship Hall 9:00 AM each Sunday This educational offering is for people of all ages who are looking for a place to dig deeper into God’s Word. If you are a visitor, a new member of the church, someone who has not found a Sunday school class home, or if you have fallen out of the routine of attending a class, please join us! Contact David Howell at 244-0453 for additional information. **The Gathering** Upper Level Education Building 9:00 AM each Sunday A lively and welcoming group, purposefully engaging God’s Word and each other. discussions center on faith, family, marriage and are led by various members of the group. Contact Erin Mehagan at 864-254-8577 to learn more about the Gathering. **St. Andrew's Class** Currently Meeting with the Fellowship Hall Class @ 9:00 AM each Sunday Open to adults of all ages. Members of the St. Andrew’s class strive to grow closer to God and to one another by studying God's Word and taking it with them into the world. Contact David Howell at 244-0453 to learn more about the class. **Women in Christ** Upper Level Education Building 9:00 AM each Sunday This is a class where John Knox women can experience special fellowship while exploring a variety of inspirational books and topics. Members share leadership duties, and new books and Bible studies are introduced 2-3 times during the year. Women in Christ members consider this class a supportive extension of Christ’s call to love one another. Contact Marilee Dorsey at 864-608-8235 for more information.  **Young Adults (YoPros)** Monthly Home Bible Studies This educational offering is for adults in their 20s and 30s. We gather to discuss biblical texts and their application to everyday life as well as periodic fellowship opportunities. Contact Muffy Smith at 864-640-1122 for additional information. **Faith in Friendship** Kirk Room 11:00 AM each Sunday This class is for people of all ages who study God’s word and how it shapes their lives. Together, we ask questions about faith and family and celebrate together with periodic social events. Contact Angie Howell at 864-630-2299 for additional information.

Together on Wednesdays

From September to April, we host a weekly supper on Wednesdays in our Fellowship Hall. Serving begins at 5:45 PM. Dinner reservations are encouraged but not required, and the meal cost is covered by our donations. Following dinner, we offer separate programs for children, youth, and adults. Programs for adults include a variety of engaging topics related to Christian faith and growth. Bible study, Christian learning, mission presentations, and other programs of church-wide interest are featured. Current 2020 Schedule — Please join us on Feb. 5 as we have a time together with local composer and musician, Dan Forrest. — Feb. 12 we will have a special dinner for Valentines Day with prizes and fun. John Davis will also tell us a little about a wonderful program for veterans who are on hospice care. — Feb. 19 will be inter generational SWING DANCING with Scott and Laura Reichen leading our two left feet. — Feb. 26 is Ash Wednesday with a meal and service following. — Mar. 4, 11,18, and 25 will be a series for Lent on Spiritual Disciplines. — Apr. 1 is our last Together and we will have our usual ice cream social as well as a mission oriented activity.