
Daily Bread

January 6, 2019 • Russ Miller

Prayer #1: Forgive us for forgetting the hopelessness of our former slavery to sin. Help us remember your faithfulness and to pray with that clearly in view.

Prayer #2: Father, help us abandon our self-sufficiency, embrace our need for you, and trust you daily to provide for everything that we need.

Prayer #3: Jesus, give us an appetite for you and your work this year.

Questions for reflection and discussion:
Are there places in your life where you feel tested? Consider one of those areas. What does it look like to trust God’s provision in that area of your life this year?
Consider your own self-reliance vs. reliance on God and reread John 6. What was Jesus trying to communicate when he said he was the “bread of life”?
Consider the call that Jesus gave us to seek him daily. What part of that is challenging to you? How can you seek him daily in 2019?

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