
A Little Bit of Crazy Part 2

Episode 4

June 25, 2017 • Paul Trimble

As we continue in the series from the book of Mark,  we encounter another of Jesus’ teachings filled with surprise and paradox. "For to the one who has, it will be given, and from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.” While it sounds like the old maxim that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, this saying actually encapsulates both a great mystery and a deep spiritual principle that we would all do well to understand and embody.

Mark 16

September 24, 2017 • James Robbins

Wouldn’t life be easier if we knew how our lives would turn out? Worrying about the future is something that comes all too naturally for us as people. When Mark wrote the account of Jesus that bears his name, it appears he wrote a cliffhanger ending. How things would turn out wasn’t clear or obvious, and neither is it in our lives. The outcome is largely up to us, and depends on how we answer the question about who Jesus is; listen in as Jamie Robbins concludes this series of the book of Mark.

Mark 15 - The Cross

September 17, 2017 • Bright Meyer

A few days after Hurricane Irma bombarded Florida with floodwaters, Bright Meyer kayaked through his home’s front door. What does this have to do with the events recorded in Mark 15? Everything. Listen in to this message as Bright reminds us what a true home is like, and how the message of the cross can keep bringing us back to that reality.

Mark 14

September 3, 2017 • Paul Trimble

How do you handle stress, adversity, and conflict? Cower in a corner? Put up your dukes? Run for safety? Everybody has their own way of handling difficult times. In Mark 14, Jesus shows a different way. Those around him all faltered in one way or another, much as we do. Yet Jesus, under the most intense pressure imaginable, perfectly handled the perfect storm. In this message, we look at how and why He did so, what we can learn from Him, and marvel at his choices that made it possible for us to follow in his footsteps in our times of difficulty.