
With Doctrine, From Love

1 Timothy 1:3-7

September 27, 2015 • Reid S. Monaghan

The importance of loving the truth

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An Introduction

September 20, 2015 • Reid S. Monaghan

An introduction to the letter from Paul to Timothy

The Good Law

October 11, 2015 • Reid S. Monaghan

The Good Law

A Better Gospel

October 18, 2015 • James Fields

REVIEW The Law is good; if it is used lawfully. MISSION: Timothy – remain in Ephesus _____________ false teachers, _______________ good doctrine MOTIVE: Paul/Timothy – Aim is _______________ The Law is good; the Gospel is __________________! MODEL: The ________________ Gospel (v. 11) THE GOSPEL OF GOD (v. 12) The Gospel begins and ends with ___________________ towards God (v.12,17) The Gospel ___________ in nine words: “Christ Jesus ____________ into the world to save sinners” (v.15) Three Blessings that Paul experienced He has given me ____________________ He has considered me ___________________ He has appointed me to ____________________ THE GRACE OF GOD (V.13-14) I once was… Three words to describe what he had been: A ______________________ A ______________________ A ______________________ Paul’s plea of _________________ was not a claim to _____________ nor an excuse denying his ___________ before God and others. Yet, Paul received __________________ He acted in __________________ (13b) Faith of others in the _______________ (16) THE GOODNESS OF GOD (V.15) The content of the gospel is ________________ and ______________________ The offer of the gospel is ___________________ The _______________________ of the gospel is that Christ came to save sinners. While the law is meant for the ________________ of sinners; the gospel is meant for the _________________ of sinners. The application of the gospel is ____________________. THE GLORY OF GOD (V.17) He addresses God as being ________________________ Described by four ___________________ Eternal: He is beyond the fluctuations of ___________________ Immortal: He is beyond the ravages of _________________ and _________________ Invisible: He is beyond the limits of every __________________ Only God: He is ______________; no one ___________________ with Him COMMUNITY MEDITATION KNOW 1. Explain the gospel in one sentence. 2. Paul's life was dramatically changed by his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus. What is one area in your life that has changed, or that you would like to see change, as a result of knowing Jesus? 3. What is the value of remembering what you were before you were saved? Conversely, what is the danger in not realizing the seriousness of your previous sinful state? FEEL 1. On a daily basis, is it hard or is it easy to recognize God's grace in your life? Why or why not? 2. What role did God's grace play into your salvation? What role did you play? Do your previous answers correspond to biblical descriptions of salvation? If so, how/in what ways? 3. Have you ever been stirred or have you ever been overwhelmed by thoughts of God's grace in your life? If so, when and in what ways? LIVE 1. As a result of today's sermon has your understanding of the Gospel changed? If so, how? If not, why not? 2. In your life, what types of study, meditation, or worship produces the greatest response of adoration and praise towards God? What type of testimonies, stories or news about God working in other people's lives produces the greatest response of adoration and praise towards Him? 3. We all, like Paul have a spiritual history which is uniquely our own. Take some time to outline your own spiritual journey. Share it with your Missional Community.