

July 31, 2022 • Stephen Putbrese • Proverbs 25:11–12, Proverbs 26:17–22, Proverbs 13:20, Proverbs 25:16–17, Proverbs 6:27–28

Like it or not, we live in world full of boundaries. Nations, states, private property, and athletic arenas are all examples of boundaries. Individual people have boundaries too - whether it is our very skin or the differing levels or intimacy that we allow others, we are all subject to boundaries.

Healthy friendships are predicated on appropriate boundaries, many of which are laid out in the book of Proverbs. This teaching will discuss the fires that pop up when boundaries are neglected, the types of relationships we need to limit, and how we can develop emotional intelligence.

More from Friendship


July 24, 2022 • Stephen Putbrese • Proverbs 18:1, Proverbs 18:24, Proverbs 27:5–10, Proverbs 27:17, Proverbs 17:17

Modern friendship is an inch deep and a mile wide. In our digital age, we typically trade quality for quantity in this area, but that has only resulted in increasing loneliness and isolation. While we all desire good friendships, we seem to be going about it all the wrong way and coming up empty. The Bible is not silent about what real friendship looks like. In fact, the book of Proverbs is full of ancient wisdom regarding what true friendship is all about. This series will look at multiple Proverbs to help us understand what makes for healthy friendships.


August 7, 2022 • Stephen Putbrese • Proverbs 18:19, Proverbs 13:10, Proverbs 14:29, Proverbs 15:18, Proverbs 15:1

In relationships, conflict may not be desirable, but it is inevitable. When broken and flawed people come together, eventually someone says or does something that hurts the other, regardless of how close the friendship is. In our digital age, it is much easier to cancel or ignore a friend when conflict develops. However, only by addressing conflict can both parties change and grow. As Proverbs says, "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." This means that though conflict may be uncomfortable, it can also be constructive. This teaching will explore the core problem of conflict, how to engage effectively in it, and what it takes to ultimately overcome it.


August 14, 2022 • Stephen Putbrese • Proverbs 19:4, Proverbs 19:6, Proverbs 11:24–26, Proverbs 11:17, Proverbs 20:6

Perhaps the most important quality in a friend can be encapsulated in one word - selflessness. Whatever your religious background or beliefs, every single one of us can agree that the most selfless people in our lives are typically the most admirable and likable. If we all know selflessness is a desirable trait, why don't more of us act that way? Despite the benefits that result from a selfless life (both to yourself and others), it is an exceedingly rare trait. As we finish this series, we'll learn what selflessness looks like in friendship and how to become that way in our own relationships.