
Becoming Aware of Angels

with Wayne C. Anderson

Becoming Aware of Angels

November 30, 2023 • Wayne C Anderson

Click More for notes Angels surround us, but we remain so unaware! Let's investigate the whys and start a new lifestyle of awareness of the spiritual realms. This is the starting point. There is more to come. For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/msqvt3y

1. Where Do Angels Come From?

December 2, 2023 • Wayne C Anderson • John 1:1–14, Psalm 103:20–21

“Bless the LORD, you His angels, mighty in strength, who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word! Bless the LORD, all you His hosts, you who serve Him, doing His will.” Psalms 103:20-21 The focus of everything holy is upon the Son of love. We should speak with, to, and about angels in the same loving way. Angels are not our slaves. They are our tutors. They minister to people just like we minister to people. We do what they cannot. - They do what we cannot. For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/zsjfw4t

2. Are There Guardian Angels?

December 6, 2023 • Wayne C Anderson • Psalm 91:11, Psalm 34:7, Hebrews 1:14, Acts 12:13–16

Are there guardian angels? Absolutely. It is in the heart of man to believe it not because of weak intellectualism but because the heart says so. Well, so does the word of God. Psalm 91:11 reads: “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” (Psalm 33:8 and 34:5 — 34:7 and 35:6 in Protestant Bibles) “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him and rescues them.” Psalms 34:7 For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/fp5m3wj

3. Are There Ministering Angels?

January 4, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson

Are there ministering angels? Absolutely! Wayne takes us on a short journey through the scriptures, allowing us the realization of angels that minister to us. These are not necessarily our guardian angels, but our understanding comes to life as we know that we have angels about us who are ready to minister to us when in need. For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/ygyv76b

4. Seeing Angels

January 4, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson • Genesis 28:10–12, Ephesians 4:7–10, John 1:47–51

"You will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man." "Behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it." For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/3p6gwf5

5. Keeping Watch - Part One

January 21, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson

The term watchers should not be ignored and should be studied in order to know more about the spirit realms about us.  ·   Daniel describes watchers and their authority ·   Enoch saw and learned about watchers in the heavens ·   There are Watchers on the walls – intercessors ·   There are Holy watchers ·   There are Unholy watchers We are learning to discern the entities of the heavens. For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/qypd9qv

6. Bad Boy Angels

January 24, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson • Jude 6, Genesis 6:1–2

Bad Boy Angels are not all demons but are even more numerable higher ranking officials in spiritual places. We'll see "how watchers, the fathers of these spirits" - bad boys are spirits that come with wicked powers. The Chief of these evil spirits is Mastemi  Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/mvd55zm

7. The Seven Spirits of God Have Names

January 26, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson • Hebrews 1:13–14, Revelation 1:4, Revelation 4:5, Revelation 8:2, Ephesians 4:4–6

The seven spirits of God are not seven gods. Wayne biblically shows you that these are the seven holy angels who watch in the Presence of Yahovah. They have names and you'll get an new understanding of how the Holy One has constructed the heavens and the angels closest to Him have great names. Please tell folks to get the I.A.M. App and start watching "Becoming Aware of Angels" For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/8r4yr5z

8. Angels & Hospitality Part One

February 4, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson, Wayne and Stephanie Anderson • Hebrews 13:2

Both Wayne & Stephanie reveal the importance of hospitality Hebrews 13:2 (ESV) “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hospitality is part of the foundation of the Kingdom, and the works/acts of hospitality on earth, as in heaven, are inviting to holy angels/heavenly beings. For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/79b22bm

9. Angels & Hospitality - Part Two

February 8, 2024 • Wayne and Stephanie Anderson

Both Wayne & Stephanie reveal the importance of hospitality Part Two Hebrews 13:2 (ESV) “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hospitality is part of the foundation of the Kingdom, and the works/acts of hospitality on earth, as in heaven, are inviting to holy angels/heavenly beings. For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/7bwjff6

10. Keeping Watch - Part Two

February 13, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson • Daniel 4:17, Jeremiah 4:16, Daniel 4:23

This is Part Two of "Keeping Watch" The term watchers should not be ignored and should be studied in order to know more about the spirit realms about us.  ·   Daniel describes watchers and their authority ·   Enoch saw and learned about watchers in the heavens ·   There are Watchers on the walls – intercessors ·   There are Holy watchers ·   There are Unholy watchers We are learning to discern the entities of the heavens. For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/6zv5z7y

11. Angels of Creation

April 5, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson

Reading from Jubilees chapter two about all that Elohim created including the many kinds of angels and their assignments. --- For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/jxdvhw4

12. Angels Assigned to Minister

April 23, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson • Hebrews 1:14, Jeremiah 29:11

This is an important emotional revelatory view of angels and how angels, especially guardians, minister to the children of Yahovah. “Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14  “For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.”  Jeremiah 29:11 For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you. https://internationalapostolicmi.http://subspla.sh/qpdygrm

13. The Angels of Elohim (God)

June 5, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson • Psalm 103:19–22, John 1:1–14, Psalm 33:4–9, Genesis 1:26–28, Luke 1:38

To understand the angels of Elohim (God), we need to view this mystery of heaven from the foundational place of the Word of Elohim (God). But not only the angels. All the heavenly hosts and the true servants of Elohim (God) upon the earth must operate from this revelation of the Word. All things begin with the Word of God. This Becoming Aware of Angels session is foundational to understanding much of what the angels we will be studying are made of.

14. Angels Shielding the Presence

June 6, 2024 • Wayne C Anderson • Genesis 3:23–24, Hebrews 12:29, Ezekiel 28:14, Psalm 18:10

Most people only look at the Cherub as a protection from the earth-world but the Cherub is more of a shield for the earth-world from the consuming/devouring holy fire of the Holy One. Our Creator loves all of His creation. He shields His fiery Presence from consuming the creation He so loves.