
"If MY People . . ."

Wayne & Stephanie reveal the healing of the land

December 5, 2022 • Wayne and Stephanie Anderson • Psalm 115:16

First Step:

It is written, “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” Psalms 115:16 (NASB)

At the onset of dealing with land issues, the believer must know and have confidence in the fact that they are a child of the Creator and have the land as their gift of inheritance from their heavenly Father.

Prayer: “Father God You are the Creator of all that exists. You are the One and only true God. Through the Blood of Your Son I worship You. It is written the You have ‘given the earth to the sons of men.’”

Second Step:

Receiving the gift of your land as opposed to dedicating the land by giving it back unto the Lord, that which He has given as your inheritance.

Therefore, stand upon your land and with sincere gratitude of heart, express your thanksgivings unto the Lord for the land that He has given you.


“Father of lights, it is written that ‘every good and perfect gift comes from You.’ With sincere gratitude, receive the land that you have given to me for my inheritance. I will care for the land with my loving adoration to You and my continued worship and thanksgiving to You, Father. Just as you have given Your Son and I have received Him with joy, even so, I also receive the land as your gift of Your love for me.”