
Shabbat Shalom❣️ Wayne & Stephanie ❤️

Prayer that causes things to shift!

May 10, 2024 • Wayne and Stephanie Anderson

Shabbat Shalom❣️ with Wayne & Stephanie❤️

Every 6th Day of the creation week (Friday)

8 AM (Mountain Time Zone)

Preparation Day is to prepare for the coming Shabbat.

The 6th day is preparation for the 7th day - Shabbat!

You won't want to miss this LIVE Broadcast of Shabbat Shalom with Wayne & Stephanie❣️

Measurable results from prayer?

Discover the transformative power of prayer, as taught by Jesus. Prepare for a shift, a change that will leave you in awe.

There are different biblical language words that are translated into English as "pray/prayer," etc.

They don't all mean the same thing.

Legalistic religion is an enemy of the cross of Jesus Christ. ✟

We're going to look into the teachings of Jesus about prayer. We're going to leave the "Christian Traditions" behind. We are not going to be locked into the fears and bondages of traditions to a meaningless and irrelevant "church" and the traditions of man.

For some unknown reason, the prepared notes .pdf cannot be downloaded from the I.A.M. App. To work around this, we will place the URL at the bottom of the Description so that if you would like to download or print the notes, you can click on the URL link, and this page will open in your device's browser. In the browser, you can click on the Notes button and download or even print. This explanation will be at the bottom of each unit description with the URL below. We pray that the Holy One's great love manifests in and from you.
