
When God Untied the Death Ropes

Message 1

Pastor Chuck Swindoll

Simon had a loose tongue that often got him into trouble . . . especially since he had a hot temper. He was a Galilean and proud of it! Galileans were known to be opinionated, stubborn, and impulsive. Yet he was nothing like his brother, Andrew, who was a dreamer, fond of eccentric preachers like John the Baptist. One day, Andrew told Simon that he had found Messiah.

Once Jesus met Simon, Simon's world—and name—changed. “Peter” held a gravitas lacking in Simon; Jesus saw in Simon Peter a faithful disciple, a bold preacher, and a strategic and compassionate evangelist and theologian. Simon, through the power of the Holy Spirit, was transformed into the man he was created to be.

Jesus can do the very same for all of us—untying the death ropes and releasing us to live as He created us to live.

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Pastor Chuck Swindoll

If Easter was the most exciting day of the disciples' lives, quite likely the ascension was the most exciting day of Jesus' earthly life. He had finished His mission. He had accomplished His purpose for coming. He had called and trained a handful of men to make disciples as He had done. He had passed the torch and commissioned them to take it from there. Jesus promised He'd be with them to the end and that He would return. He was now returning home. There was just one thing: Jesus' departure opened the door to one great risk: being forgotten. The secret of His being remembered rested with the disciples—and still rests with us. Those men turned the world upside down . . . will we?