
Those Unidentified Inner Promptings

Message 11

Pastor Chuck Swindoll

God often gets blamed for things He didn't do. But more times than not, He doesn't get credit for the things He does accomplish. So much of what God does in our lives is not carried out with fanfare—blowing trumpets and exploding fireworks—but in subtle, unheralded ways. All of us who follow Christ have sensed God's working, even if we couldn't put our finger on exactly what He was doing. But how do we recognize it? This spiritual sense comes from the Holy Spirit who indwells every believer and who gives believers inner promptings to participate in God's activities in our lives.

The Glory of God

Pastor Chuck Swindoll

The Holiness of God

Pastor Chuck Swindoll • Isaiah 6:1–8

What comes to your mind when you think about God? Whatever those thoughts are, one thing is true: they say more about you than they do about God. Fashionable thinking today—in a society that no longer receives its cues from the Scripture—wants a god who is predictable, not one of mystery. We want a god who is comfortable, not one who makes us shudder. We want a god who is a little holier than us but not too holy. In short, we want a god like us . . . only better. How foul such thoughts are, for our God is none of these things. In His unique otherness, our God is the measure of all things. And in the beauty of His holiness, we see the ugliness of our wretchedness, yet we also find the encouragement to be holy as He is.

The Love of God

Pastor Chuck Swindoll

Love is the best known and least understood of God's attributes. Few doubt that God is love. Yet, many believe that God's love, as demonstrated in His patience, mercy, and forgiveness, nullifies His righteousness, justice, and holiness. This popular notion of God, as if He were a benign, aging grandfather, sitting passively in heaven—affable, lenient, permissive, and devoid of any real displeasure over sin because He loves us—cheapens God's love. It doesn't uphold the value of His love. In truth, looking into God's heart to discover His love is to discover His other attributes as well.