January 8, 2023 • Paul Thibodeaux • Zechariah 4:1–6
The move of God happens with might, our collective resources. It happens with power our individual
strength. But that is not enough. It really happens by God's spirit.
We are called to live in faith throughout our life. Sometimes it feels like we are living in between. In between our complaints and God's answers. In between when we ask and when it happens. What do we do? As we celebrate Black Business Month and the 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington, we remind ourselves to keep the vision, write it down and believe while you are in between our waiting and God's answer.
The strength God will provide in our weakness is greater than any strength we could exercise on our own. Don't underestimate the Power of God Celebrate your weakness God delights in using our weakness to accomplish the plan My strength comes from God In the moment of our WEAKNESS, comes the moment for God to give us STRENGTH