
God Remembers - 8 am Experience

Building After The Shift

October 1, 2023 • Angie Johnson • Nehemiah 5:9–12

In the rebuilding the people were still struggling, they were back in the city but still felt oppressed;

dismembered. God RE-members (play on the word remember - not just bringing to one's memory, but a

putting back together) broken cities, broken people, broken dreams, etc. Nehemiah's prayer can be seen as

selfish when we first read it, but when we think of God putting together things, Nehemiah's prayer takes on

a new meaning.

He had sacrificed, been ridiculed, etc. he too was feeling broken...God put me back

together...have favor on me, make me whole; not for my glory but so that I can continue to do your will for

your people. As we build after the shift what does it look like for us to ask God to RE-Member (put back

together) US. RE-member the dismembered places in our lives/families, re-remember Impact, etc so we

can Build After the Shift.