Shattering Your Strongholds: Connection Groups & Bible Study (7 week study)


August 19, 2024

Select which group you'd like to join! Descriptions below:

Connection Groups:

Monday 6:30-8:00pm - Led by Ed

You can also join Engage Thursdays with Pastor Paul

Thursday 6:00 PM - 7:30 in-person and online is available

"Our God is no respecter of persons. His love and His gifts are not determined by a sliding scale of who is not worthy to receive or when one might become worthy of receiving, all that He has promised in His Word. If you have asked Jesus Christ to be your Savior and Lord, then you are worthy of receiving and have all rights to receive His spiritual wisdom, power, authority, answers, and peace. The Lords stand at the door knocking, wanting to bring you in the abundance of Christian living that He has been waiting to give you. This book will reveal that there are powerful supernatural Keys of the Kingdom that Jesus has given you to unlock your understanding of how to make room to receive from Him."