
Rebuilding Again

Ezra 5:1-5

March 1, 2020 • Michael Wilburn, Senior Pastor


What changed after 15 years to move God’s people to rebuild the temple? What applies to the renewal of God’s church today?

Do you see yourself as a prophet (like Haggai and Zechariah) or a building (like Zerubbabel and Jeshua)? What are your gifts and abilities? How can those gifts contribute to God’s work in the church?

What does it mean for the eyes of the Lord to be on his people?

Was rebuilding the temple dependent on the movement of God or the response of King Darius, according to Ezra 4:5? How do divine sovereignty and human responsibility relate?

Repentance in the Rain

May 31, 2020 • Michael Wilburn, Senior Pastor

Application Questions: How did Ezra respond to the known sin of other? What did he do privately? What did he do publicly? Does this inform the way a Christian responds to sin within the church or within society? How does this story help you think about the seriousness of sin and the life-change of repentance? What factor does rain play in this story? Is it a sign of judgment or cleansing? What do you surmise the people’s disposition was toward standing in the rain? What is the purpose in preserving the names of those found guilty of intermarriage? How do you deal with the memory of past sin?

Confession Before God

May 24, 2020 • Michael Wilburn, Senior Pastor

How did Israel break the Law by intermarriage? What this an ethnic issue or a spiritual issue? How does the Bible teach Christians to view interracial marriages? What type of prayer does Ezra pray? Is it a model for your prayer life? Where is the redemption in Ezra’s prayer? How should you exercise this in your own prayer life? Ezra’s prayer never asks God for anything. What point is a prayer without a request?

Fasting Before Moving

May 17, 2020 • Michael Wilburn, Senior Pastor

Application Questions: What is fasting? What was Ezra's purpose in fasting (Ezra 8:21-23)? How is fasting associated with prayer? What personal need compels you to schedule time for fasting and prayer? What danger did Ezra and his companions anticipate on their journey? Is God’s plan for you safe? How can risk-taking reveal the Christian faith to unbelievers? How did the journey end? What principles about wisdom and faith can be applied to your life plans?