
Daniel's Vision of Two Beasts (Daniel 8:1-27)

March 7, 2021

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๐Ÿ“– Today's Message: Daniel's Vision of Two Beasts (Daniel 8:1-27) with Pastor Michael Wilburn

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๐ŸŒพ Giving remains available online. Thank you for your faithfulness, church family! ยป ibcrichmond.org/give

Exiles in a Foreign Land (Daniel 1:1-7)

January 3, 2021

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: What role did God play in Daniel's exile? How does the answer inform your life as an exile? Why was Daniel (and his three friends) given a new name? What did the new name signify? In what ways do you feel like a foreigner in this culture? How does that affect Christianity? What pressure does the culture put on your Christian worldview? What does it costs you to resist secular thinking?

Daniel's Vision of the End (Daniel 11:36-12:13)

March 28, 2021

APPLICATION QUESTIONS: How will the future world-dominating leader act towards God and God's people? What is the answer to the question in Daniel 12:6, "How long shall it be till the end of these wonders?" What is the "time of the end" in Daniel's final vision (Daniel 10-12)? How was Daniel instructed to live after receiving the vision of the end? How should you live in a similar way?

Daniel's Vision of the Future (Daniel 10:1-11:35)

March 21, 2021

What role did angels play in answering Daniel's prayer? What are angels according to Hebrews 1:14 and how do they operate according to God's will? Daniel 11:32 predicts, "The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action." What does this mean for Christians who live by conviction today? What area of your life requires the most perseverance? What future promises about God's Kingdom and eternity give you hope today? What affect did the vision have on Daniel? How serious and sincerely should Christians respond to reading the prophecy of Daniel and Revelation today?