
The King’s Betrayal | Michael Wilburn

Matthew 26:1-27:10

December 3, 2017 • Michael Wilburn

Application Questions:

1. What is betrayal? Have you been betrayed and how? How can a Christian model Jesus Christ's response to Judas’ betrayal?

2. Judas regrets his betrayal of Jesus (Mt 27:3-5) and Peter regrets his denial of Jesus (Mt 26:69-75). What are the similarities and differences in their response? What does the Bible teach about regret and denial?

3.Jesus said, “all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled” (Mt 26:56). How do you receive what’s wrong in the world in light of the sovereign fulfillment of God’s plan?

4. Why did Jesus and the disciples end the Passover by singing a hymn (Mt 26:30)? List purposes and benefits of group singing.