
40 Days with God

Exodus 25-31

November 27, 2016 • Michael Wilburn

1. What did Moses do for 40 days and nights in God’s presence? Is 40 days symbolically significant?
2. What can be learned from the detailed orders for the Tabernacle, its dimensions, metals, and fabrics, and the priestly service of the Tabernacle?
3. The first person in the Bible described as being “filled with the Spirit of God” is Bezalel (Ex 31:2-3; 35:30-31). Who was Bezalel? What was his occupation? How does being filled with the Spirit inform a theology of work?
4. God specifically states his purpose to dwell among his covenant people, Israel (Ex 29:43-46). How does God dwell among believers in the church age? Where in the NT is “dwelling” language used to show God’s presence with his people today?