The Rohingya are a persecuted Muslim people group who were driven out of Myanmar in 2017. They have been living in refugee camps in Bangladesh without citizenship. Pray that many Rohingya will come to Christ and gain citizenship in heaven that can never be taken away.
Pray for believers to have wisdom as they interact with churches where the prosperity gospel has taken root. Pray that the true gospel will spread rapidly throughout South Asia.
In Bangladesh, an impoverished Muslim-majority nation, daughters are often seen as liabilities and are married off as soon as possible. Pray for Bangladeshi girls and women to know their value as God’s beloved image bearers. May they follow Him as Lord and Savior.
Living water comes from the source of life – the one true God. Pray that those who receive living water will be like the Samaritan woman and joyfully go and tell others this good news and invite them to meet the Savior.
The Patari are a Hindu unengaged and unreached group of 30,500 people. Pray that believers who live near the Patari would intentionally go to them and share the gospel. Pray that God would establish churches among the Patari.
Believers are working on projects throughout the year to engage unreached Muslims in northeast India. Pray that these believers will proclaim the gospel with boldness. Pray that the Spirit will move in hearts and call many to salvation.
More than 200 million Bengali Muslims follow the Quran and their revered prophet, Muhammed. Turning to Jesus often results in persecution and loss of family and support systems. Pray that whole families will decide to follow Christ together.
“For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries” (1 Corinthians 16:9). Praise God for opening a door to effective ministry among South Asians. Ask God to give endurance to His church who are laboring among South Asians.
Nainital is mostly a mountainous region, with a population of 1 million people. Please pray that God’s Spirit would move in this region, calling people to Himself. Pray that local believers would have boldness to proclaim His Word.
Pray for God to send laborers to the people of South Asia. God’s Word says “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:35). Pray that God wound send out His church to every South Asian nation, tribe, people, and language.
“Jesus stood up and cried out, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water’’” (John 7:37-38). Pray that the spiritually thirsty will drink this living water.
Many people who expressed interest in the gospel recently received a copy of the Book of Matthew. The book shares contact information for a local believer. Pray that people will read it and reach out to learn more. Pray for wisdom as local believers follow up with people.
Salvation is not found in Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva, Kali, Muhammed, gurus, Buddha or in any other name. Pray for God to break down the enemy’s schemes that keep South Asians blinded to the truth.
The Kingdom of Bhutan is a tiny landlocked nation nestled within the folds of the Himalayas between India and China. It has been protected from outside influences for many years. Pray that the people of Bhutan would turn from darkness to the light of Christ.
Believers have begun regular outings focusing on sharing the gospel in the “Bhindi” area. Pray that people will be open to God’s Word and be interested in learning more. Pray for follow-up opportunities and for the Holy Spirit to draw people.