Pray for people in the country where Evelyn serves to be receptive to the gospel and share it freely with others. May they not be swayed by a prosperity gospel but see the truth in the gospel of Christ’s redemptive work.
Praise God for the team of medical professionals He has already brought together. Pray for continued stamina and conviction to serve people with excellence and to share the goodness of God. Read an article about the clinic in Stories.
Last year, believers and refugees at The Bakery made 35,000 loaves of bread. Praise God they were able to donate hundreds of loaves to refugee children. Ask Him to use The Bakery draw the lost to Himself. Read an article about the bakery in Stories.
Before Evelyn shared the truth gospel with them, Marianne’s small group had only heard the false gospel of God promising health and wealth. Ask God to continue revealing the truth to them in His Word. May He use this group to reach more people in their area.
Praise God for new believers among refugees of an unreached people group. As they bake bread, please pray for them to continue to draw near to Jesus, the Bread of Life. Read an article about the bakery in Stories.
Evelyn is working to learn the local language so that she can understand her small group better and engage them well in leadership training. Pray that God will allow her to learn the local language quickly and confidently share the gospel in that language.
Workers share the gospel in Chiang Rai through many ministries, such as fitness classes. Several people who normally wouldn’t go to church but attend the fitness classes are now open to the gospel. Please ask God to continue using this fitness ministry to reach people.
A group of pastors in South Korea are preparing to plant churches. Please ask for God’s wisdom for these pastors and for the missionaries who are assisting and coaching them.
This year, the team at Eternal Peace Clinic is preparing to apply for accreditation. This level of acknowledgement will help the clinic maintain its presence in the community. Please pray that all the requirements will be met for this accreditation. Read an article about the clinic in Stories.
A Chinese church in the Middle East baptized dozens of new believers. Pray that they will keep growing as Jesus’ disciples. May this church continue to be steadfast, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in Him their labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Prayer for the salvation of unbelieving refugees. May God soften and turn their hearts to Him. May He turn their mourning into dancing, remove their sackcloth, and cloth them with gladness singing God’s praise and not be silent (Psalm 30:11-12). Read an article about the bakery in Stories.
Brunei enforces Islamic Law, which forbids anyone to leave Islam. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will embolden local believers to joyfully share their faith (Acts 4:29). May many in Brunei turn to Christ and receive eternal life with God.
Join the team at the Eternal Peace Clinic in praying for God to provide a Christian dentist who can serve in the daytime shift at the clinic. May offering dental services open new and greater avenues for gospel opportunities. Read an article about the clinic in Stories.
Most Northern Thai of Laos have followed Buddhism for generations and now mix those beliefs with animistic traditions. They usually do not understand their need for forgiveness or for a Savior. Will you pray for the few believers among them to live faithfully for God’s glory?
God has been producing wonderful fruit through efforts by students on several campuses in Malaysia. Please pray for these believing students to reach out in other parts of Malaysia so that God’s glory will spread to students on other campuses too.