Caleb is a 19-year-old sophomore at a university in California. Since he left the Asia-Pacific Rim, he has been searching yet unable to find a home church. Please pray that God will help him find a home church and guide him to meet the right family of faith.
Pray for MKs who are graduating high school this year. Some may feel anxious about returning to the United States to begin the next chapter of their lives. Pray that God will lead them to where they can find godly community. May they continue to grow in the Lord.
Many missionary teams in Africa and around the world schedule group meetings during school vacation in the summer. Pray that MKs will be encouraged as they fellowship with other MKs this summer. Pray that any spiritual, educational, emotional, or physical needs will be addressed.
Corbyn, 18 months, loves running. Her favorite thing is going down the elevator and outside. Everyone laughs as they see her charging out the elevator door yelling, “Go, go, go!” Pray that she continues charging into life at God’s heals in His work.
“I have two friends, Ellen and Benny and their families, who need to be saved. Pray that I can learn their language better too.” 11-year-old MK in Hungary.
Teenagers in South Asia face tremendous pressure to perform high on 10th grade exams. They often drop most extra-curricular activities, making it hard for MKs to find new friends and build gospel-focused relationships. Please pray for a breakthrough with these families.
“Pray for children in a war-torn country who have lost their parents due to war and famine. Also, many men leave their wives to raise children on their own. Pray for programs to help these mothers and children. Pray that the gospel will spread among them.” Annie, 14.
Pray that the Lord will protect children as they navigate the world of social media. Ask Him to give parents wisdom to guard their children in this arena. Pray for MKs to share their thoughts with their parents in a safe and trusted environment.
Joshua, 8, is growing fast – physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Ask God to protect him from being influenced by the local culture, which does not seek to honor God. Pray that he will develop character and a worldview based on God’s Word.
Believing MKs feel burdened as they leave their Central Asian friends and go to college in the States. Pray that their unsaved friends will repent, believe, and grow in their faith. Ask the Lord to make a way for these important relationships to stay intact.
MKs who have lived their lives between cultures often have difficulty knowing where they belong. Pray for MKs who are struggling to find a sense of belonging. Pray that they will find their identity in Christ.
“I never wanted to leave my home in Ukraine, but then Russia invaded Ukraine. My family picked me up early from school one day and said that I could go home and pick any toy I wanted, but we had to leave the country immediately. I thought that it would only be for a few weeks, but it ended up being a permanent change. God kept my family safe. Please pray for me to learn a new language and make new friends in a new country.” Jackson, 11.
“Please pray for me. I’m graduating college soon. I am still not sure what path the Lord has for me. I will need to find work and a place to live. I feel a lot of stress choosing a career and deciding what’s next in my life.” Caleb, 21.
“Please pray for our family when we go back to our home country. All of my older siblings will stay in the United States, and I will be the only kid at home.” Esther, 13.
Hudson, 10, had a discussion with his teacher that revealed his teacher’s atheistic beliefs. Eventually MKs realize that almost everyone they care about overseas is in eternal danger. This can be overwhelming. Pray for Hudson and others to handle this in a God-honoring way.