During Diwali, the “Festival of Lights,” Hindus celebrate two Hindu gods and the victory of good over evil. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world...” (John 8:12). During Diwali, pray many Hindus will receive new life from Jesus, the Light of Life.
When they die, Hindus believe they will begin a fateful journey alone and will be judged by the god Yama. During Tihar, Nepalese Hindus reflect on death. Pray God will soften their hearts to receive the gospel and Christians will share the good news of eternal life.
As many South Asian churches care for people in slum communities through education, healthcare, and addiction recovery programs, pray that more will join the work, sharing the gospel and love of Christ in word and deed.
God is moving among Sri Lankans! The gospel has spread broadly among the people, and believers have been trained in sharing the gospel. Pray that their faith will deepen and the fruit of the gospel will spread and mature as they share in their communities.
The Tondman are a Hindu unengaged, unreached people group. Newborns receive their names from an elderly woman 16 days after they are born. Pray that, one day, these women will give Christian names to babies because they have seen God’s salvation.
Local leaders in South Asia are catching a vision to share the gospel beyond their own communities. Though surrounded by lostness, they grasp the Great Commission call to all nations. Pray for them as they lead groups of believers to share the gospel in other places.
The Indian caste system can cause barriers to the gospel spreading. Pray the Holy Spirit will break down cultural barriers and compel Indian Christians with the love of Jesus to proclaim assurance of salvation in Christ to people of other castes.
As Bhutanese leaders travel abroad for biblical training, ask God to help them use their training in outreach to their home communities. Pray for these to “Become an example to all the believers… [that their] faith in God has gone forth everywhere” (1Thess 1:8).
With 17 million people, Khulna is the third largest city in Bangladesh. Nicknamed “gateway to the Sundarbans” for the forests where the Bengal tigers lived, pray that the Khulna will also become the “gateway to the gospel” as God calls believers to reach the Khulna.
The Dogra are an unreached people group in India with a strong history of military service. Most Dogra are Hindus. Pray for the Lord to raise up workers to focus on reaching this people group and that the Dogra would one day be good soldiers of Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 2:3-4).
Pray for believers in each district of Chennai to grow and multiply as they disciple others, despite the challenges in getting around the densely populated city. Ask God to raise up local ministry leaders in each district.
Today, Sikhs celebrate and honor their sacred text, the Guru Granth Sahib. Pray that Sikhs would honor the Bible instead and understand the truths in God’s Word. Ask that they will see Christ as the final authority and give Him the honor He is due.
Praise God for the Gangai fellowship in Nepal that started gathering a year ago and recently self-identified as a church. Pray that they will continue to grow deeply in the Lord and to share the gospel with those around them. Ask God for wisdom as they appoint leaders.
Shia Muslims are 25% of the total Muslim population of India. Pray for gospel laborers to gain a heart for this people group and share the gospel with them. Pray for believers with a Shia background to boldly share their newfound faith with their friends and neighbors.
Pray for these multi-cultural teams in South Asia as they overcome cultural barriers to share the gospel together. Pray also for the churches who send them, that they will grow in praying for and sending more workers to the harvest fields in South Asia.