


Day 30

Pray that missionaries will abide in the true vine, Jesus Christ, and rely on His power to produce much fruit. Ask that they will trust in Him to prune what needs to be pruned to bear even more good fruit in their lives. (John 15).

Day 29

In Central and South America, churches and missionaries are eager to receive volunteers from churches in the United States. Pray for more of these partnerships that open doors for sharing the gospel and engaging Southern Baptist churches deeper in missions.

Day 28

“Work responsibilities, visa applications, and raising a family overseas can bring a load of stress. Please pray that we will rely on the Lord and trust that He is working. Pray for favor with visas, and ask God for open doors to gospel witness.” Elisabeth Edwards, Central Asian Peoples.

Day 27

More refugees come from northern Africa and the Middle East than from any other place in the world, resulting in a large diaspora population. Pray for more believers to share the gospel with these diaspora peoples, who can then witness to their family and friends.

Day 26

“As a new worker on the field, my biggest daily struggle is language learning. Would you pray for new workers like me to find our identity in Christ rather than our language ability and trust that this humbling process is preparing us for the work God has for us?” Olivia Hooper, Central Asian Peoples.

Day 25

In the face of challenges that could greatly impact anyone’s emotional and spiritual health, pray for missionaries to have the peace of God (Philippians 4:7).

Day 24

“In Eastern Europe, the effects of the former Soviet Union still impact life and how we share the gospel today. Pray for us as we establish trusting relationships. Pray that the gospel will take hold and rapidly advance here.” Lamar Schubert, European Peoples.

Day 23

Some missionaries need to know more than two languages to communicate with national partners and share the gospel with unreached people groups. Pray for language proficiency in multiple languages. Ask God to encourage missionaries as they study.

Day 22

“People find their home culture most comfortable. Yet Jesus, the perfect incarnational witness, forsook the comforts and glory due His name and made His home with us. Pray that we will sacrificially love people and desire their salvation more than earthly comforts.” Donna Roberts, Asian Pacific Rim Peoples.

Day 21

Some missionaries live and travel in rural areas without immediate access to medical care. Others work in densely populated cities where sickness can spread fast. Wherever they serve, pray for missionaries to have good health.

Day 20

From the mountains to the ocean, South Asia is both awe-inspiring and heart-wrenching. It has the largest concentration of lostness in the world. Ask God to refresh missionaries serving among South Asians and send more to reach the lost. 

Day 19

Between language barriers and cultural differences, building deep friendships on the mission field can be a challenge. Please pray for God to provide Christian fellowship for missionaries who feel lonely.

Day 18

Reese, a Project 3000 Missionary Explorer, and a local believer have explored over five unengaged people groups, researching them and sharing the gospel. One person has come to Christ and been baptized on each trip! Pray for safe travels and receptive hearts as they go to hard-to-reach places.

Day 17

Pray that God will give missionaries the joy of seeing the fruit of new believers and churches and that, in times of waiting, He will make them patient and steadfast as they trust in Him.

Day 16

“Pray for our teams to be strong and have clear vision for the task ahead. Ask that we will have a spirit of unity and love as we support one another and strive to plant healthy churches where we live.” Elisabeth Edwards, Central Asian Peoples.