
It All Starts Here

Illuminate Muncie

February 17, 2019 • Brenton Hill

We are ALL in a relationship. Whether it’s a spouse, sibling, parent, coworker, friend or foe, relationships are all around us, and very much a part of who we are. Are we participating in healthy relationships? What part do we play in that? And how does scripture model life-giving relationships?

Join us for our series, Relation Ships or Sinks, as we discover what God says about creating (sometimes ending), and sustaining relationships that do not sink.

The One You Can't Live Without

February 17, 2019 • Michael Oberle

Every relationship hinges on whether we will start with God and prioritize Him. We cannot live without our relationship with Jesus. He is the source of our strength and gives us discernment when we don’t know what to do.  We are ALL in a relationship. Whether it’s a spouse, sibling, parent, coworker, friend or foe, relationships are all around us, and very much a part of who we are. Are we participating in healthy relationships? What part do we play in that? And how does scripture model life-giving relationships? Join us for our series, Relation Ships or Sinks, as we discover what God says about creating (sometimes ending), and sustaining relationships that do not sink.

Ship Holes

February 24, 2019 • Billy Holden

Hurt People, Hurt People. Bitterness holds us back from being present in our relationships. The holes in our past relationships hurt our future relationships. How many holes in your ship do you have? We are ALL in a relationship. Whether it’s a spouse, sibling, parent, coworker, friend or foe, relationships are all around us, and very much a part of who we are. Are we participating in healthy relationships? What part do we play in that? And how does scripture model life-giving relationships? Join us for our series, Relation Ships or Sinks, as we discover what God says about creating (sometimes ending), and sustaining relationships that do not sink.

That Ship Has Sailed

March 3, 2019 • Sarah Baldwin

Focusing too much on the past will hinder your path. When you do look back: look back reflectively not regrettably. Our past relationships can tend to hurt our present ones and so we need to recognize that we can use those past relationships to move forward and past those ones that hurt us. We are ALL in a relationship. Whether it’s a spouse, sibling, parent, coworker, friend or foe, relationships are all around us, and very much a part of who we are. Are we participating in healthy relationships? What part do we play in that? And how does scripture model life-giving relationships? Join us for our series, Relation Ships or Sinks, as we discover what God says about creating (sometimes ending), and sustaining relationships that do not sink.