
2022 Fellowship Conference

Messages from this years conference will be added here.

"This Temptation Is Just Too Difficult" - Battling Besetting Sin

October 4, 2022 • Nathan Rages

Nathan Rages | What is some advice you can give to me when fighting besetting sin? What are some specific verses that you find encouragement from? What about when I feel like the temptation is just too difficult? This clip was taken from the question and answer time at the 2022 Fellowship Conference that was held back in April.

How Did King David Begin His Day? (Psalm 5)

July 12, 2022 • Philip Neeley • Psalm 5

How did King David begin his day? If so we can peer in and see how he often did then could we not glean something about how to imitate this man of God? Psalm 5:1 To the choirmaster: for the flutes. A Psalm of David. Give ear to my words, O LORD; consider my groaning. 2 Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you do I pray. 3 O LORD, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch. 0:00 - Psalm 5 2:40 - 1 - We have a personal audience with the King. 3:58 - 2 - David begins his day by praying to the Lord. 5:05 - 3 - David directs his prayers--he is not aimless. 6:11 - 4 - He is expecting the Lord to do great things. 7:19 - Conclusion

How The Holy Spirit Helps Us When We Pray

July 8, 2022 • Nathan Rages • Romans 8:26

This exhortation is from the 2022 Fellowship Conference, which Nathan Rages shared prior to a morning prayer meeting that was had there. As believers, we require the Holy Spirit's help when we pray. Do you rely upon the Spirit when you pray? Do you follow the promptings of the Spirit to pray and how the Spirit burdens you during your time of prayer? Without the Holy Spirit's help, our prayers can be flat as a pancake.

How to Cultivate God's Presence in My Life?

May 25, 2022 • Tim Conway, Michael Durham, Lee Dodd

Tim, Michael, Lee | 6:18 | FC2022 Q&A - How can we cultivate a more real sense of God's presence? How can we stir ourselves to be more spiritually minded of the reality when we always see what is temporal around us?

Has The Gospel Given You A Reason To Lose Your Life? - Tim Conway

May 23, 2022 • Tim Conway

Tim Conway | 2:53 | Excerpt | Has the gospel given you a reason to lose your life? Can you say that the Gospel of Christ is the most glorious thing you have ever come across?

Am I One Of The Elect? Has God Chosen Me?

May 11, 2022 • Geoff Thomas

Another secret reality that belongs to God can be summed up in this question: Am I one of the elect? Has God chosen me? Often when someone is being urged to come to Christ one of the fiery darts the Devil throws at us is this matter, "Am I elect?" Are you standing on the threshold of following Jesus and yet delaying based upon this question? Why pause at such a question rather than respond to the Lord's invitation to come to Him and have salvation right now?

Does The Immense Peace of God Guard Your Heart?

April 18, 2022 • Geoff Thomas • Philippians 4:6–8

Paul speaks about not being anxious but instead having God's peace guard your heart and mind. Do you bring your cares and concerns to Christ and not pick them up again and worry about them, but leave them to the Lord Jesus?

Risky Faith: Trusting God In The Midst of Danger

April 20, 2022 • Nathan Rages • Hebrews 11

At times the life of faith might feel risky and dangerous. We are people who don’t like risk, but we crave security and long to have control over our situations. We don’t like being exposed and vulnerable and yet inevitability that is where a life of faith brings us. The Lord will put you and me in situations to test if we really believe in the Lord right here and right now. 0:00 – Is the life of faith risky? 4:46 – Six characters from Hebrews 11 who exercised faith in God. 18:30 – Do you think about the faith Jesus exercised? 20:50 – How do we apply this to ourselves? 1) These are not examples of blind faith. 24:54 – 2) These are not examples of reckless presumption. 26:52 – 3) They were actually the safest when their actions appeared the riskiest. 30:40 – 4) Expect challenging tests in your life. 35:38 – Can I believe those same promises for myself?

A Parable of Love (Song of Solomon)

April 22, 2022 • Michael Durham • Song of Songs

I want to speak on the theme, A Parable of Love from Song of Solomon 4:9-10. What else can be said about the love of the Lord Jesus Christ for his church? Over the centuries, men have filled libraries trying to explain His love. But there is one book that declares his great love for us the book of books, the Bible, God's Word of love about his heart towards us, and what more could be said than has already been said to you about his heart for you.

Six Mysteries God Has Kept Secret

May 6, 2022 • Geoff Thomas • Deuteronomy 29:29

Are there mysteries that God has kept a secret? Deuteronomy 29:29 says, "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." This text teaches us that there are realities that the Lord has kept secret and other things that the Lord has revealed to us. What are some of these mysteries? And how are we to approach them? And what are some of the things that God has chosen to reveal to us? 0:00 - Introduction 3:53 - First mystery - The details of the secret things. 6:37 - Second mystery - How can we reconcile the great truths of human responsibility and divine sovereignty? 16:47 - Third mystery - How can you reconcile the fact that there is a narrow way to life and yet the number saved is as much as the sand on the seashore? 21:34 - Fourth mystery - What is the reason for sin? 28:06 - Fifth mystery - Am I one of the elect? 35:29 - A plea to come to Jesus Christ today. 40:56 - Sixthy mystery - We don't know what God is doing right now. 44:42 - First revealed reality - What must I do to be saved? 50:26 - Second revealed reality - How then shall we live? 55:42 - Third revealed reality - Where can contentment be found? 1:00:59 - Closing prayer.

Jesus Weeps As Well As Warns

May 10, 2022 • Lee Dodd • Luke 19:41–44

The Lord Jesus was full of pity and compassion and wept and shed tears over the sinner's stubborn unbelief. Yet Jesus also lovingly warned the sinner that they did not have long and they must turn to Him today. So we see in his life that Jesus both weeps as well as warns. May the Lord help us to so imitate this Savior.

Evangelistic Responsibility Of The Church: Go!

May 13, 2022 • Tim Conway • Luke 14:18

What is the evangelistic responsibility of the church? Are you obeying the command to go and evangelize? Maybe I can help encourage you to pursue one more soul for Christ rather than have yourself excused from evangelism based on some idea that your personality is not by nature one to go evangelize. 0:00 - Pursue one more soul for Christ. 1:24 - Text - Luke 14, considering two verbs and who they apply to. 4:45 - What if the servants all alike began to make excuses on why not to evangelize? 7:15 - [Tim stops and prays for help.] 7:34 - Self-reflect on how involved you and I are in reaching out to the lost? 9:30 - How will you try to dodge this responsibility? 18:06 - The evangelism of the demoniac and the woman at the well. 24:26 - Acts 8, the ordinary's got scattered. 32:48 - What am I trying to convince you of? 56:13 - What is the Gospel? 57:21 - Have we disengaged from the world too much? 58:04 - Do you think often about the fate of the damned? 1:02:47 - Do you hesitate because you've lost your first love? 1:05:16 - Jim Elliot quote. 1:06:08 - Is your goal in living to have the greatest possible impact that you can? 1:08:28 - Closing prayer.

How Do I Win Spiritual Battles?

May 12, 2022 • Tim Conway, Michael Durham, Mack Tomlinson

Can you give Biblical advice on how to battle in spiritual warfare? How do I win spiritual battles?