
Faith Obeys: Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone (Part 3)

Paul Washer | 1:03:19

December 5, 2023 • Paul Washer • Hebrews 11:6

Now Abraham went out to a place. He came out of his comfort zone. He goes out to a place where he was to receive for an inheritance. And he went out not knowing where he was going. You know, so many young people come to me today and they go, you know, I want to find out the will of God for my life. I go, You’re asking the wrong question. That’s not even something you should be concerned about. What you should be concerned about is obeying the commands of God and being pleasing to God.

The Message Is The Method

January 13, 2024 • Mike Morrow

This is an older message that brother Mike Morrow gave.

The Kingdom of God: A Rocky Road to Glory

January 6, 2024 • Don Johnson • Matthew 13

The kingdom of God, what is it like? Jesus taught that it is a rocky road to glory. It is filled with troubles, and yet we must not lose heart.

Who Truly Are The Great Men and Women of Faith?

December 16, 2023 • Paul Washer

This profound thought was shared by Brother Paul Washer in his sermon “Childlike Faith (Part 4)” in 2005. Take note of what he says and what Scripture affirms. People who faithfully sow the seed of God’s word and don’t see conversions or great outward results demonstrate a greater faith than those who do witness great results. God privileges them to labor on by faith despite seeing no substantial results, and often it is the next generation that works in the same soil and sees all manner of fruit as a result of those who tirelessly toiled and saw little! So believers, be encouraged to walk by faith, not by sight, regardless of the “results” you witness—trust the LORD and obey Him.