
What Is A Christian?

Geoff Thomas | Session 3

April 27, 2023 • Geoff Thomas • Galatians 2:20

Geoff Thomas | 2023 Fellowship Conference | Session #3 | What is a Christian? How do you define a Christian when you go to the Scriptures? What comes to mind when you think of someone who is a Christian? What are improper ways that people view what it means to be a Christian?

0:00 - Introduction - Am I in a state of salvation?

1:20 - What does a Christian mean to you?

2:20 - To the preachers--why not do a series about this topic?

3:19 - Let us ask Paul what he would say - Galatians 2.20.

4:06 - Answer 1 - A Christian is a human being, "life I live in the flesh."

12:50 - Answer 2 - The Christian has human affections, "wished myself separated".

14:44 - Answer 3 - The Christian has native weaknesses and strengths that remain.

26:53 - Answer 4 - The Christian has a wonderful view of Jesus Christ.

43:07 - Answer 5 - The Christian has the assurance that this is true, "Son of God loved me..."

49:05 - Answer 6 - The Christian is someone who has unlimited access to Christ, "Christ lives in me..."

52:06 - Application - Am I a Christian? How do I come to this Christ?

55:45 - Closing prayer.