
From Terrorist to Evangelist: Billy McCurrie's Testimony

Billy McCurrie | 43:24 | Testimony

July 2, 2022 • Billy McCurrie

Billy McCurrie was 12 years old when his dad was killed by the IRA and consumed with fury, Billy joined the Ulster Volunteer Force at 16, and a year later he was ordered to kill someone. Sentenced to life at 17, Billy spent 10 years in prison and it was there that the Lord saved him. He shared his testimony recently at the 2022 Fellowship Conference UK.

0:00 - Preview
4:59 - My Dad was shot dead by the IRA.
11:00 - Murdering a man in cold blood.
13:02 - Beginning his prison time.
15:40 - How Peter would evangelize to others in jail while cutting their hair.
18:34 - God sending magazines from New Zealand?
23:26 - I had never felt guilty for murder.
28:20 - His mother's conversion.
30:57 - Baptizing ourselves in prison.
32:13 - What happened to the girl who would write him every day?
34:32 - During the hunger strike.
35:56 - The wicked Roman Priest's involvement in the hunger strike.
37:20 - Released from prison in 1985.
38:26 - Met a man who had massive hatred, even 53 years after the offense.
41:32 - Christ gives hope to sinful and wicked men.