
God Is Not Far From Each One Of Us

Stuart Olyott | 2024FC | Session 2

April 3, 2024 • Stuart Olyott • Acts 17:27

Stuart Olyott | 2024 Fellowship Conference | Session 2 | Acts 17:27 - So that they would search for God and perhaps grope around for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.

0:00 - Introduction and a Comment on America and Texas

1:42 - Text - Acts 17:27

2:53 - Is God Far Away?

4:51 - Point 1 - How Does the Bible Teach the Nearness of God?

16:48 - Point 2 - A Message to Those Who Don't Know God

28:17 - Point 3 - To Those Who Do Know the Lord

34:51 - Do You Want to Win Souls to Christ?

36:13 - Lastly, Let Us Think About Your Death