
Burning Hearts: The Nature of Spiritual Experience

Stuart Olyott | 2024FC Session #5

April 12, 2024 • Stuart Olyott • Luke 24

Stuart Olyott, author of "Something Must Be Known and Felt," discusses the nature of spiritual experiences in his sermon based on Luke 24. May our hearts indeed burn as we read the Scriptures and walk with Christ.

0:00 Intro

1:24 Luke 24, Burning Hearts

6:07 Who Were the Two People Walking on the Road?

7:43 1 - Analyzing the Passage: Two Disciples' Experience

11:54 The Nature of Spiritual Experience: Understanding the Three Legs

14:20 2 - Shared Spiritual Experience Between Two Disciples

18:55 3 - The Author of That Experience

21:48 4 - The Means of That Experience

27:35 What Are Emotions? Understanding Strong Movements of the Will

32:32 Manipulating Emotions

33:59 Reciting Sequence for Emotional Manipulation: 1 2 2 3

36:01 5 - The Result of That Experience

46:06 My Heart Burns When I See Christ in the Scriptures

48:56 Closing Prayer