
The Look Of Love: Jesus' Love For Peter

Michael Durham | Session 4

May 5, 2023 • Michael Durham • Luke 22

Michael Durham | 2023 Fellowship Conference | Session 4 | What was the power of Christ's look to Peter after he had denied the LORD? And are you and I looking to the LORD to see His look to us? Are we resting in and trusting the unconditional love of God for us as believers?

The Praying Christ

July 1, 2023 • Geoff Thomas

As believers we must consider the example of Jesus Christ--specifically let us consider his prayer life. Jesus was often found alone praying to his Father. He often prayed throughout the night and he even prayed before making decisions. This shows us the importance of connecting with God through prayer and relying on Him for direction.

Power Of Prayer Impacting The Course Of Human History

May 30, 2023 • John Greene • Revelation 8:3

John Greene | 2023 Fellowship Conference - Morning Prayer Meeting | Revelation 8:3 - And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer, and he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne... Are you aware of the power and impact of prayer on human history? As Spurgeon said, "it is not ONLY a prayer meeting." It is to pray before God, in faith, through having been cleansed by Christ's blood, that we can impact history by our prayers.

How Long, O LORD? Will You Forget Me Forever?

May 23, 2023 • Nathan Rages • Psalm 13

Nathan Rages | 2023 Fellowship Conference | Prayer Meeting | There are pressing needs that you and I have prayed about, and we have asked the LORD, "How long, O LORD?" But deliverance has yet to come, and we feel as David does. The temptation to give up is strong during that time. It can be easy to forget how many prayers the LORD has answered in the past when we are under pressure.