
Jesus Christ Is Ready, Willing, And Able to Save Sinners

Chad Thompson | 52:59 | Sermon

October 14, 2022 • Chad Thompson • 1 Timothy 1:15

Now with a title like that you might think I am giving an evangelistic message. And you would be right, if by evangelistic you meant a message intended to persuade sinners to come to Christ in their spiritual need. But the thing about the Christian life is that it is not the kind of thing that merely involves coming to Christ one time and seeking a salvation from sin, one time.  It involves that, for sure, but once the sinner comes to Christ, there is a continual coming to him, applying for more grace, and even a working with him as sin is resisted and overcome by the power of His Holy Spirit. My hope today is to persuade all of us, wherever we are, to come to Christ to save us from our sins.

0:00 - Introduction
5:02 - Who are we talking about? Jesus Christ.
8:16 - What are we talking about? Sinners being saved.
14:31 - Christ is READY to save sinners.
17:02 - Psalm 7
19:26 - Jeremiah 26.2-6
23:28 - Christ is WILLING to save sinners.
32:33 - Luke 15
38:26 - Christ is ABLE to save sinners.
39:17 - Paul's testimony as an example of God's mercy.
46:26 - To the unbeliever: Cry out to Christ.

Abraham Part 1: Abraham's Call Within Redemptive History

October 18, 2022 • Chad Thompson • Genesis 12

What is the purpose of a series on Abraham and consider his place in redemptive history? Your own understanding and love for God will grow as you see how God dealt with Abraham. As you see God's dealings with Abraham and His dealings with His people, you will understand the Lord's dealings with you. Chad Thompson is a pastor at Christ Fellowship in Hannibal, Missouri. This sermon is part 1 from the 2022 Men's Retreat held by Grace Community Church of San Antonio, Texas. 0:00 - Intro - What to speak on to you and why? 2:14 - Opening prayer. 3:32 - Abraham's place in redemptive history. 7:30 - What is Abraham's place in redemptive history? 9:50 - Jet tour through Genesis 1-11. 25:45 - What about Terah and his family? Pagan idolaters? 27:55 - A radical shift happens in Genesis 12. 35:13 - When was Abram saved? 38:33 - Consider Abraham's call. 45:01 - Is this call from God essential a conditional promise? 50:53 - Application - Zeal starts well and then you learn some things. 51:33 - Application - Faith casts yourselves entirely upon the Lord.

Abraham Part 2: Doubts and Assurances

October 26, 2022 • Chad Thompson • Genesis 18:25

Chad Thompson | Part 2 of the 2022 Men's Retreat series on the Life of Abraham.

Sodom: Abraham Learning of God's Justice (Part 3)

November 10, 2022 • Chad Thompson • Genesis 18

The Lord has been in the process of teaching Abraham, and showing him truths about Himself that he wants his people to know.