
"I Am Going to Hell" | "You Raised Me in a Cult!" | Two Testimonies

Jimmy Downing | 38:53

March 22, 2024 • Jimmy Downing

In this video, Jimmy shares about his and his wife's conversion through someone in the Air Force who was providentially placed next to him and boldly gave them the gospel. Then, decades later, his son, who was angry and would say, "You raised me in a cult," came to know Christ.

Crushed Serpent Through A Crushed Savior—Who Is Now Risen!

May 11, 2024 • Jimmy Downing

Jimmy Downing | 8:12 | Excerpt (from The Substitutionary Sacrifice: Jesus Paid It All) | Jesus Christ crushed the head of the serpent, yet Isaiah 53 states that God the Father crushed Christ—Christ was bruised so that the serpent's head would be bruised. Through the Savior bearing this condemnation for us and then rising again, we have received life and escaped the wrath to come. Glory to God!

Either Dead To Sin Or Dead In Sin

April 22, 2024 • Jimmy Downing • Romans 6:1–6

Consider the stark contrast between living free from sin through Christ and remaining enslaved to sin, as depicted in Romans 6.

Beyond the Public Eye: A Life of Secret Prayer

March 6, 2024 • Jimmy Downing • Mark 1:35, Matthew 6

Jimmy Downing | 41:18 | 2024 Men's Retreat | Session #1 | The sermon emphasizes the importance of prayer, specifically the power and necessity of secret prayer in a Christian's life. The speaker encourages the congregation to seek a personal, intimate relationship with God through prayer, highlighting how Jesus taught about praying in secret rather than for show.