

FAQ Week 5

Jason Lineberger

Why do we experience pain? Can a Christian struggle with depression and anxiety?

FAQ Week 4

May 6, 2018 • Jason Lineberger

Can Christians drink alcohol and have tattoos? Why do some Christians think it's sinful and others think it's a platform for the Gospel? How can we trust the bible is actually true and that people didn't just make everything up?

FAQ Week 3

April 29, 2018 • Josh Lilley

Does God predestine some to be saved and some not to be? If so do we really have Free Will? How does this work where He chooses some and not others to know Jesus? Are Catholics Christian? There are a lot of questions that we have for God, and the bible has answers.

FAQ Week 2

April 22, 2018 • Jason Lineberger

Frequently Asked Questions. What will heaven be like? Is Hell really real? How do we know what happens after we die?

F.A.Q. Week 1

April 15, 2018 • Jason Lineberger

We have so many questions for God, and the bible has so many answers. We are taking some of the toughest questions that you've asked and giving you the answers straight from the word of God. This first week some of the questions we hit were. What does the bible say about pornography and masturbation? What's the real truth about homosexuality? Is there anything I can't do with my wife or husband?