
#3. Outward Focused

Core Values: 2020

February 2, 2020 • John Carrano

In this week's message Lead Pastor John Carrano is joined by special guests, Beth Lund and Missionary Joan Bell. There is also a special annoucement about the future of ICB as we continue our series on ICB's core values with our third core value, Outward Focused.

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Reflection Questions

- Am I living with an outward focus?
- Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas where you have become stagnant or inward focused.


- Intentionally look for one way to show the love of Christ this week!
- Live with an outward focus!


- Proverbs 16:9
- 1 Corinthians 10:31
- Acts 1:8
- Acts 28:28
- Matthew 5:13-16
- Proverbs 11:24

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