
#16. Breaking Down Barriers

Romans: The Gospel in Action

June 5, 2016 • John Carrano

In this week's message Lead Pastor John Carrano teaches from Chapter 15 of Romans on breaking down barriers. So often we accept people who are like us; we say we accept everyone but really we try and change people to act, talk and think the way we do. It’s time to move on from trying to change others and instead ask God to make us more like Christ.

More from Romans

#17. All About People

June 12, 2016 • Brandi Carrano

In the final message from our series 'Romans: The Gospel in Action', Pastor Brandi Carrano teaches from Chapter 16 of Romans. The ministry of Jesus is all about people, but we must watch out for those who cause division or teach things that are contrary to what the Bible says. As we saturate ourselves in the Word of God, we learn what is true and can therefore easily identify what is false.

#15. Build Others Up

May 29, 2016 • John Carrano

In this week's message Lead Pastor John Carrano teaches from Chapter 14 of Romans on building others up. If what we are doing causes someone to stumble, have doubts, or move away from Christ, then we need to refrain what we are doing and stop judging them for things that have nothing to do with what Christ went to the cross for.

#14. Agents of Love

May 22, 2016 • Brandi Carrano

Showing love when we do not feel like it may be the most Christ-like thing we ever do. No matter what we feel, what others do, what we get in return, or what it costs, our love must look different from the worlds. In this week's message Pastor Brandi Carrano continues our series with teaching from Chapter 13 of Romans on being agents of love.