Slow. Down. In a hurry? This is worth stopping for. This bible study is a little of what I am learning about slowing down. Eliminating hurry is a discipline I’m trying hard to live into (often, unsuccessfully!). Question for discussion: how does your life change when you slow down?
Created to Create Did you know that you were made to make stuff? What are you making today?
Guard My What? An object lesson and some good, fatherly advice. This really simple teaching can make a real difference (it has in my life). Moving to live is causing me to go longer than my 10-minute target - I am going to tighten that up for next week! What is the Lord nudging you towards? Away from? How can I be more vigilant with my heart? 💁♂️to more quiet and more 1:1 conversations with good friends. 🙅♂️to so much time on my phone and to harboring frustrations with other people (and feeling justified for doing so).
Lies There is little more damaging to our lives than the lies we believe. He’s some simple wisdom and a profound prayer for anyone ready to live in the truth. God bless you, friends.
Getting Personal I ended up getting way more personal than I intended this morning (and going a little longer than intended as well!). I hope this personal reflection is helpful to you. Do you have a story to share? Of course you do. Share it with us below or share it with someone else today.
Words are weapons Here’s a challenging: use your words to wage war today. The simple truth we talk about this morning is obvious, but it feels impossible.
So, I want God’s guidance in my life. Now, how do I actually grab onto that? What do I (very practically) do? Here are five tried and true means to open yourself up to God’s wisdom.
How do I know what to do? A wisdom deeper than you can find on your own is available to you. Here’s more...
Wrapping Up Last day in proverbs! Here’s a summary of this whole deal AND one last insight. BONUS: a request for you at the end of this. Have a great day!
Where does wisdom start? In a surprising place, according to Proverbs. It begins with the fear of the Lord. What does that mean? Here we go...
The Center I do these bible studies for a few reasons. First, I felt led to start them back when this pandemic first hit. Second, I think they are helpful to people. Third, I know they are helpful to me. This morning is an example of one that was REALLY helpful to me. I woke up this morning not knowing where I was going with this study, and soon found myself staring down a truth I know but so often need to be reminded of. I hope this is helpful to you also. How are you being nudged to build your life AROUND God? Very practically, how are you going to move towards this today?
A Bold Ask Proverbs 30.8. Whoa. What a bold request. Are you willing to pray that? What is the bible’s deal with money? Why does it seem to have a problem with wealth. We look at that here.
Redirecting our Hearts Can we admit this? Sometimes our hearts are NOT in the right place. What do we do when our desires are out of whack?
Integrity How’s your integrity? We respect it in others and want it in ourselves. What is it and how do we get / keep it?
Pride | Humility Friends, this proverb has hit me harder than any so far. When I get off track, more often than not it is because I have lost track of one simple question: Who is my life about?