
Sunday Live Service | Imparting the World Through Encounters | Divine Encounters: Becoming a Global

March 3, 2024 • Rv. Didier Kalombo • Acts 1:8, Isaiah 6:8, Matthew 28:19–20

This verse provides a powerful example of a divine encounter leading to a call to action. Isaiah's encounter with God's glory and holiness compels him to respond with readiness and obedience to God's call to be a messenger. It illustrates the transformative power of encountering God, leading to a life dedicated to fulfilling His purposes. In the context of our series on becoming a global center for divine encounters, Isaiah 6:8 serves as a reminder of the connection between encountering God and being sent out to impact the world. As we encounter God and experience His presence, we are empowered to respond to His call with boldness and obedience, ultimately contributing to the fulfillment of His kingdom purposes on a global scale.

Sunday Live Service | Removing Obstacles to Encounter

February 25, 2024 • Rv. Didier Kalombo • Psalm 24:3–4, Hebrews 12:1–2

The Benefits of Overcoming the Obstacles The benefits of overcoming the obstacles to encountering God include: 1. Deeper Intimacy: Removing barriers allows for a closer relationship with God, fostering deeper intimacy and communion with Him. 2. Spiritual Growth: Overcoming obstacles leads to personal growth and maturity in faith, as believers learn to trust and depend on God more fully. 3. Peace and Fulfillment: Clearing hindrances brings inner peace and fulfillment, as believers experience the joy of walking in alignment with God's will. 4. Increased Discernment: By overcoming doubts and distractions, believers develop greater discernment to recognize God's voice and leading in their lives. 5. Empowerment for Service: As barriers are removed, believers are empowered to serve God and others more effectively, equipped with a deeper understanding of His love and grace. 6. Witness to Others: Overcoming obstacles becomes a testimony to others, demonstrating the transformative power of God and inspiring others to pursue encounters with Jesus Christ. Together, these verses highlight the importance of both outward righteousness and inner purity in approaching God's presence with reverence and sincerity.

Sunday Live Service | Cultivating a Culture of Encounters | Divine Encounters: Becoming a Global Cen

February 18, 2024 • Rv. Didier Kalombo • Acts 2:1–5, Acts 1:4–8, Psalm 133, Luke 6:12, John 4:23–24

Let's create a culture where encounters with the Divine are not just hoped for but expected. Are you ready to cultivate a culture of encounters?

Sunday Live Service | Understanding Divine Encounters | Divine Encounters: Becoming a Global Center

February 11, 2024 • Rv. Didier Kalombo • John 5:2–9, Genesis 28:16–17, Exodus 3:1–6

Welcome to our exploration of divine encounters! Today, we embark on a journey through sacred scriptures, delving into moments where individuals encountered the divine and were forever changed. These encounters aren't merely stories of the past; they are invitations for us to anticipate and embrace encounters with the divine in our own lives.