
“No Longer Syria, No Longer Iran”: Kim Clement’s Prophetic Insight

December 14, 2024 • Donné Clement Petruska, Jane Clement, Pastor Mike Faccuito

In this timely broadcast, Donné Clement Petruska and the House of Destiny team explore Kim Clement’s 2012 prophecy about Syria and the Middle East and its profound relevance to recent events. As Syria faces collapse and tensions rise across the region, we uncover what this means for Israel, the U.S., and the world.

From the toppling of regimes in Syria and Iran to the emergence of a new generation declaring faith in Christ, Kim’s words foretell transformation, hope, and a divine plan for the nations. Join us as Donné, her mother Jane, and Pastor Fah delve into the prophetic significance of these times and discuss how God’s plan is unfolding in our world today.