
Week 1

April 3, 2024 • Mel Godinez (High School), Kevin West (Middle School) • 2 Corinthians 10:5, Luke 2:40–52, Proverbs 2:1–6

Have you ever watched a deep sea documentary and seen some of the fish down there? Thousands of feet below the surface are some wild-looking creatures! When we look at the deep ocean, it can feel similar to when we look below the surface of our lives. Finding out what's below is scary, and we need a reliable guide to help us navigate the depths.

There's a story from when Jesus was 12 and was talking with the top religious leaders of his day about Scripture and who God is. Jesus shows us what it looks like to grow in strength and wisdom, diving deep into who God is. Jesus shows that as we get closer to God, who we are and what God desires for our lives become more evident.

Let's follow Jesus' lead below the surface of our lives and allow him to give us wisdom and insight into how God made us. It may be challenging sometimes, but we're not alone because God helps us discover who we are becoming. 

Week 4

May 1, 2024 • Luke Mead (One Service)

Marine biologist, Sylvia Earle, is an oceanographer Time magazine called "Hero of the Planet." As a child, a wave sideswiped Sylvia, and instead of being scared, she remained interested. The ocean's depths, power, and mystery could have overwhelmed and scared her, but instead, she found her purpose there and has been running back ever since. When I heard that story, it reminded me of what it's like to follow Jesus. Jesus is like an ocean that sweeps us off our feet and shakes us up. When we remain curious and courageous, we discover Jesus always invites us further into his love. We discover a purpose that's much more than a job or what we do. It's a different way to be human — we are followers of Jesus who worship him, declaring that God's kingdom is close and freely available. Jesus is inviting everyone to partner with him in changing the world. So let's continue running back to him all our lives because Jesus helps us discover purpose. 

Week 3

April 17, 2024 • Mel Godinez (High School), Kevin West (Middle School)

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Week 2

April 10, 2024 • Mel Godinez (High School), Kevin West (Middle School)

It seems like there is a constant group of voices telling us who we should be, what we should care about, and what we need to do with our lives. It's normal to look to other people to help us figure out who we are, but other people's perceptions aren't always helpful or accurate. We need a reliable source to help us discover who we are. There's this moment in Jesus' life where he hears God's voice tell him who he is. God looks at Jesus and says he loves and is pleased with him. The good news is, because Jesus is the representative of all humans, God is saying that to us, too. God's voice pushes past the places where we feel awkward or insecure, saying, "You are my child. I love you and am pleased with you right now." Jesus shows us that what God says about us matters the most. When we follow Jesus' lead, we see that God's words help us discover who we are.