
Giving Thanks in Hard Times

Thanksgiving Eve 2020

November 25, 2020 • Peter Mueller

It’s easy to give thanks when things are going well - but 2020 has been a hard year in lots of ways. God invites us to slow down and remember that even in the midst of the difficulties of this year, He has been present and working to bring His grace and love to us and through us. There is much to celebrate today even as we long for a better tomorrow!

Becoming All That You're Called To Be

February 26, 2012 • Peter Mueller • Matthew 25:14–30

This message offers Pastor Peter's reflections on the event of his 40th birthday through the lens of the Parable of the Talents. This is also the first in a series of messages on generosity.

Countless Gifts of Love

November 22, 2020 • Peter Mueller

Most of you woke up this morning to a warm home, ample food to eat, and clean water to drink - these and so many other things have always been great gifts to us from God, but this year of chaos has made us more aware and appreciative of these gifts. As we enter a week of giving thanks to God, we also have the opportunity to become the source of others’ thanksgiving as we give to others in need. Today’s service will feature a special greeting from Julie Hill of Living Water International. Julie will share an update on the well that Hope helped to fund in Rwanda and how the gift of clean water is making a difference in the fight against COVID-19 in the developing world.

Developing a Habit of Thanksgiving

November 26, 2017 • Peter Mueller

Today's message looks at how the Old Testament people of God made lists of all the ways that God had blessed them, how they praised God for those things, and saw those blessings as evidence that God's love for them endures forever… This Thanksgiving weekend, we can also make a list of all the ways we've been blessed, give thanks to God, and praise Him for His love for us that endures forever!