
Sent to Seek and to Serve

Join the Journey

February 4, 2018 • Peter Mueller

The third area of our vision we long for people to grow in is what we call EXPEDITION - this has to do with being sent to seek and to serve people in physical and spiritual need, both within the church and out in the world, locally and globally. Many of us experience what psychologists have termed "compassion fatigue" - we hear about so many tragic and difficult circumstances in the news that even though we might like to help, many of us check out and become numb instead because we don't even know where to start. While no one person or church can meet every need, Jesus nevertheless sends us out to seek and to serve those in need as we discern His leading which particular people in need He is calling us to each serve. We get to do that together as well as throughout our daily lives.

Choose Friendship

January 28, 2018 • Peter Mueller

The second area of our vision that we long for people to grow in is what we call CONNECTION - this has to do with your relationships with other followers of Jesus. God has designed us for relational connectedness with Him and with others. We are not meant to be alone - life is better when we are deeply connected to others in Jesus-centered friendships where we can be known by others and also come to know them in order to speak words of challenge and encouragement into each other’s lives.

Your Love is Teaching Me How to Kneel

January 21, 2018 • Peter Mueller

The first area we long for people to grow in is what we call ELEVATION - this has to do with your relationship with God. As God loves us with an enduring and faithful love, we want to consider how He wants to give us a new perspective in our hearts, minds, and actions. This message talks about things we sense God is leading us to invest in to encourage this growth to happen over the next two years. Come and Join the Journey! P.S. This recording also includes a giving story from Eric Harrison. Also, please note that if you are looking at this through a browser you will need to click on "audio" to hear the sermon as the video is only this week's vision video.

Walking in the Hope of Jesus

January 14, 2018 • Peter Mueller

Today's message kicks off a special five week season in our church’s life together called Join the Journey. It also marks the start of our 100th anniversary celebrations in this new year of 2018. Each week we’ll have a special video featuring people talking about the impact of Hope on their lives. Also, the message will unpack an aspect of our vision and where we sense God is calling us next in our journey together as His people. We’ll also talk about ways each of us can get involved to row the boat of Hope forward into the next century!