
Long Road - How Many More Miles?

March 24, 2019 • Peter Mueller

When you’re suffering, some days it can seem like there will never be an end to it all. The days blend together and all you know is that you;re miserable and it seems like there really might not be any reliable hope for relief or healing. These can be dark and difficult moments. They ache in the depths of our beings. The psalmists often asked God “how long?” regarding their own suffering. In these moments of seemingly no present hope are exactly the moments where a deep and defiant and robust hope in the future renewal of our bodies and hearts and minds and souls can break in our painful present and give us a vision of the future to sustain us even in the here and now.

He's Back!

April 21, 2019 • Peter Mueller

Life with the Loving Father, the Good King, and the Wild Goose

April 14, 2019 • Peter Mueller

Have you ever seen and loved a good parade? This Sunday we reflect on two parades - that of Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday as coming king, and that of our 2019 Hope Confirmands publicly affirming their faith as their own as they grow towards adulthood. As Jesus was received as a king, so the life of the Christian is about receiving Jesus as king into the deepest parts of hearts, minds and lives and welcoming Him to work in and through us.

Jesus: Even When the Sky is Dark

April 7, 2019 • Peter Mueller

Thankfully, God does come and rescue us in one way or another when we’re suffering. Sometimes it’s through total relief and healing, other times of mix of partial healing and an unmistakable confidence in His presence with using the midst of it. The love and presence of Jesus rises in our lives and our suffering like the morning sun even when skies are still dark. This is a great gift of Jesus, the one who is our strength even and especially when we’re weak, the one who fills our heart even when we’re falling all apart. There is hope in Jesus!