
Sola Fide - Faith Alone

October 29, 2017 • Peter Mueller

We live in a performance-driven culture where proving yourself worthy of praise, financial compensation, and general social approval feel critical to life in the 21st century. Jesus invites us into a relationship that is established on the basis of simple faith or trust in HIS performance on our behalf in His life, death, and resurrection. This is by far a better way to go through life - living out of the relief and freedom that our ultimate approval comes from the God who loves us despite our underperformance and gives us His saving grace by faith alone.

Soli Deo Gloria - God's Glory Alone

November 12, 2017 • Peter Mueller

Humans were made to worship and to glorify someone, something. The problem comes in when we glorify and worship created things rather than the Creator. Luther and the other reformers of the 16th century church rightly called people - and now call us - back to recognizing two things: the goal of the Christian's life is to glorify God and that even the existence of our faith is God's work done for His glory as much as for our redemption. We are called to live in humility in the face of a glorious God and to live our lives to make His glorious goodness known!

Solus Christus - Christ Alone

November 5, 2017 • John Reschar

Do you ever feel like you just can't meet all of God's expectations? Every day, no matter how hard you try, you keep failing to measure up. Thankfully, we have a God who understands us so well that He put in place the solution to our problem: Jesus. He came into this world with a singular purpose: to save us from ourselves and remove our burden of failure. Your part of the solution: zero. By faith in Jesus and His finished work on your behalf, you truly have been set free from your failures yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Go and enjoy your freedom!

Sola Gratia - Grace Alone

October 22, 2017 • Kristofer Kunkel

Martin Luther is quoted to have said “The Word, I say, and the Word alone, is the conveyor of the grace of God. . . No matter what things appear to be like, grace clings to the Word.” 500 years after the reformation, and almost 2000 years since Jesus resurrection, the truth and power of the Gospel is as REAL and powerful as it’s ever been. What does this mean?